How to negotiate a pay rise - why you should always ask for a specific salary

WITH the classic saying; ‘overtired, overworked and underpaid' it's easy to see why so many wake up dreading each work day, but getting the raise you deserve can make all the difference, you just have to know how to ask.

By Samantha Leathers, Lifestyle Reporter

Monzo demonstrate the ‘salary sorter’ and ‘bills pot’

This is not to say that money is the ultimate decision maker in employment; 64 percent of Britons surveyed by YouGov said that they would prefer a low-paying job that they enjoy that a high-paying job they can’t stand. However, even when it comes to a job you enjoy, it can be tough to see the value behind it if you constantly feel underpaid and overworked.

On top of this, trying to negotiate a raise itself is an incredibly intimidating and often awkward conversation to the point that many will just hope for a raise instead of bothering to ask for one.

Only 47 percent of people surveyed are satisfied with their pay, with 53 percent saying they either find their salary not high nor low and those that are incredibly dissatisfied with their salary.

Here are the top three tips to get the salary you are actually worth.


Negotiating in any form requires a lot of preparation, the more facts and data you have to support your cause the better your chances.

Ladder on a stack of coins

Asking for a pay rise is intimidating, but it's the only way to have a chance of getting it (Image: GETTY)

It also helps to update those in charge of your salary, perhaps they don’t know that you’ve accumulated a new qualification or accomplishment since being on the team.

 If you’re being paid below industry standards, taking into account years of experience, qualification and time spent with the company, will be incredibly beneficial in making a strong case.

Actually name your price

People prefer to be vague in their raise requests for fear of being persecuted for their expectations, but you can’t complain about something you aren’t trying to change.


By naming a specific salary you’d be happy with opens the space for more negotiations, you may not end up with that exact number but being straight forward with your employer will save a lot of time and effort.

Many employers also try to get away with paying employees as little as possible and by staying silent or not voicing your preferred pay will encourage them to continue with this low-cost scheme.

Get ready for disappointment

Even with all the proof, conversations and convincing tactics, some employers simply won’t be budged.

Man travelling on an escalator

There's always the possibility of being turned down, so having follow up suggestions can help (Image: GETTY)

Alternatively, some businesses, especially in the current economic climate, don’t have the capacity to give you a raise.

On top of this some may have the outlook of give to one means give to all, which has a big impact on company finances.

In the case that the business can’t afford it, ask when it could be expected in the future, or you could explore non-cash compensation such as benefits or paid time off.

Why do so many avoid negotiating a raise?

Fear and empathy are mostly to blame.

Part of the natural emotional spectrum, one of the main worries behind asking for a raise is being seen as ungrateful for the pay you have or, especially if working in a small company, there’s the fear of being seen as selfish.

The fact of the matter is that if you provide value, contribute and do well in your job, you deserve industry standard pay at the very least and by investing in yourself through education could give you the upper hand in these negotiations.

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