Sam Fox sentenced for public disorder after telling police she'd 'knock their teeth out'

Assault charges against Sam Fox have been dropped after she was arrested following a row on a British Airways flight to Munich, Germany with her other half Linda Olsen.

Former page three star Sam Fox

Former page three star Sam Fox cleared of assaulting wife ahead of trial following bust-up (Image: Getty)

Samantha Fox, who appeared at Uxbridge Magistrates' Court today, told a police officer "I know where you live" and threatened to knock his teeth out after a drunken incident on a British Airways flight, a court has heard.

She also admitted using threatening behaviour, causing harassment, alarm or distress to a police constable during the incident, which stopped the London to Hamburg flight from taking off.

Sentencing, district judge Tan Ikram handed down a fine and told Fox she had caused a "great inconvenience" for the airline and its passengers.

Handing down a 12-month community order, including a £1,000 fine and up to 25 rehabilitation activity requirement days, Mr Ikram said: "In this case, the plane was still on the ground, but as a result of your behaviour the pilot - so that the aircraft would not be endangered - returned the aircraft to the stand.

"There, passengers disembarked and were unable to catch the flight that evening - (they) had to stay overnight and caught the first flight in the morning.

"There is a claim for compensation, but I note at this stage the great inconvenience that you caused all those passengers who were unable to catch that flight and that is separate from the financial loss that British Airways incurred as a result of your actions."

He added that the fact she had directed her "abusive behaviour" at a police officer was an aggravating factor.

The judge also ordered Fox to pay £1,718 and nine pence which British Airways said they had lost as a result of the incident, £100 to Pc Smith, £85 in costs and a £114 victim surcharge.

She had pleaded guilty at an earlier hearing to being drunk and disorderly at the airport on December 3 2023.

Sam and her wife Linda Olsen were travelling with British Airways when an incident took place on board the flight which sparked outrage among customers after their plans were spun into chaos.

Sam Fox and wife Linda Olsen

Sam with Linda at the Inspiration Awards For Women 2023 (Image: Getty)

It was reported that the bust-up allegedly stopped the London to Munich flight from taking off. This led to Sam being removed from the aircraft by the authorities and spent the night in jail.

The former Celebrity Big Brother star allegedly got into a boozy row with a fellow passenger which led to staff having to step in and intervene.

Police confirmed that a woman in her 50s was arrested on suspicion of being drunk on board an aircraft and had been bailed until March.

Sources told The Sun at the time that she “kicked off” with the pilot being forced to turn around on the runway.

After he abandoned the take-off Sam spent the night in a cell while passengers were put up in a hotel nearby and were able to continue their journey the following day.

Sam Fox performs at a festival

Taking to the stage back in May Sam Fox performed at Forever Young open air festival (Image: Getty)

The model started dating Linda back in 2016, just a year after the death of her former partner Myra Stratton who battled cancer.

Sam struggled with the tragic loss of her partner of 16 years but credited Lisa for helping her write music and get back to performing.

Sam announced in 2018 she had finally found love again and the couple tied the knot in a lavish Eurovision Song Contest-themed ceremony at the Kings Oak Hotel in Epping Forest, Essex in 2022.

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