Fiona Phillips' husband says 'I want her back' after heartbreaking Alzheimer's diagnosis

Fiona Phillips' husband, Martin Frizell, said "she's not there" as he candidly opened up about her devastating Alzheimer's diagnosis.

By Samantha Leathers, Lifestyle Reporter

Fiona Phillips opens up about her Alzheimer's diagnosis

This Morning editor Martin Frizell opened up on watching Fiona Phillips gradually deteriorate following her Alzheimer’s diagnosis 18 months ago. 

The 64-year-old explained the only thing he wants is for “her to get better”, which has also become his “only frustration” with the progressive disease. 

He emotionally told The Mirror: “I want her to remember things. 

“I want the apathy to go and I want this person back who was vibrant and interested in things and eager to do new things. 

“But she’s not there at the moment.”

Fiona Phillips

Martin Frizell candidly spoke about watching his wife gradually deteriorate (Image: GETTY)

Taken aback at the comment, Fiona said that she hadn’t noticed any of that, to which her husband replied: “But you wouldn’t because you are in the middle of it.”

After receiving her diagnosis, Fiona has joined a groundbreaking trial with University College Hospital in London hoping to improve Alzheimer’s treatment for future generations. 

This has also added a new responsibility for her husband as the This Morning editor is now also responsible for giving her three injections every day. 

While Fiona is adamant on maintaining as much of her independence as possible, Martin declared this may be to her detriment, declaring that stubbornness and an unwavering independent mindset are “possibly the two worst traits” to pair with Alzheimer’s. 

Fiona Phillips

Fiona revealed her devastating diagnosis yesterday (Image: GETTY)

He also noted that one of the unexpected benefits of Fiona finally revealing the diagnosis is widening the circle of people she can rely on when she needs to, although the quick-witted broadcaster is quick to fire back saying: "Well, I might find someone more attractive to rely on!" 

Aside from hiding the diagnosis from her hefty fanbase for over a year, the former GMTV star also avoided telling her children for quite some time. 

She explained that she and Martin staved off telling their sons, 24-year-old Nat and 21-year-old Mackenzie, in case they would be “embarrassed in front of their friends” or “treat me in a different way”. 

Both Martin and Fiona took blood tests to see if there was a possibility their sons might inherit the disease, which tragically took the lives of both of Fiona’s parents. 

Thankfully, the results were ultimately negative and Martin recalled getting the news as “an enormous sense of relief”. 

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