‘Still have to fight!’ Denise Welch hits out at Keir Starmer's emotional partygate speech

LOOSE WOMEN star Denise Welch has blasted Labour leader Keir Starmer after he read out an emotional letter from a widower, as he called for Boris Johnson to resign yesterday.

By Hannah McGreevy, Content Editor

Keir Starmer is asked if he has any chance of being Prime Minister

presenter Denise Welch has criticised after he read out a letter yesterday from widower John Robinson who, despite his wife dying in hospital, “obeyed the rules while the PM partied”. Denise maintained that despite his sympathetic speech for John, people “still had to fight” to visit their loved ones in hospital, in an angry update.

Denise, 63, took to social media today to blast Sir Keir, 59, in view of her 523,000 Twitter followers.

She wrote: “If Keir Starmer cares that much about John not having been with his dying mother, then what is he doing about the many NHS hospitals STILL not allowing visiting? 

“Why do people like me have to fight to have my friend visit his mum with dementia after 5 wks??!!” (sic)

Her comments come after Sir Keir called on Boris Johnson to resign yesterday following his apology over "partygate", which the former branded "half-hearted".

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Denise hit out at the Labour leader on Twitter (Image: GETTY)


Denise is known for Loose Women (Image: GETTY)


The Labour leader said he spoke to John, a constituent of Conservative MP Michael Fabricant (Lichfield), about how he and his family could not spend precious time with his wife before she died.

Posting a video of Sir Keir sharing John’s story in the House of Commons, Denise added: “Not much has changed!!! Vulnerable people still unable to hold their loved ones hands as many NHS trusts are still not allowing visiting!!! 2 yrs on.” (sic)

Addressing parliament yesterday, Sir Keir said: “Doesn't the Prime Minister realise that John would have given the world to hold his dying wife's hand even if it was just for nine minutes?

“But he didn't, because he followed the Prime Minister's rules; rules we now know the Prime Minister blithely, repeatedly and deliberately ignored.


Sir Keir called on the PM to resign yesterday (Image: GETTY)


Denise says people are 'still fighting' to see loved ones in hospital (Image: GETTY)

“After months of insulting excuses, today's half-hearted apology will never be enough for John Robinson,” he added.

“If the Prime Minister had any respect for John and the millions like him who sacrificed everything to follow the rules, he'd resign. 

“But he won't, because he doesn't respect John, he doesn't respect the sacrifice of the British public, he's a man without shame.”

Addressing Sir Keir’s statement at the time, Denise also wrote: “Yes Keir but you would also have kept these ridiculously cruel restrictions for longer. 


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“Let’s not forget that. Rule breaking aside, you supported longer and harder lockdowns throughout. We’d probably still be in one!!!”

In a letter submitted to the Guardian last week, it was the Prime Minister that John appeared to be angry with. 

At the time he wrote: “Johnson flouted his own laws and rules. He partied his way through them. 

“Am I angry? Anger doesn’t even touch the sides of how I feel about this pathetic excuse for a man. 




“And I suspect that the majority of us little people share my views, will never forget and will never forgive.”

Boris Johnson offered MPs a brief apology for his Partygate lawbreaking yesterday, which came after he received a £50 fixed-penalty notice from Scotland Yard last week.

However, the Prime Minister quickly sparked outrage by claiming ignorance over the very rules he had put in place during the COVID pandemic, saying: “It did not occur to me then or subsequently that a gathering in the Cabinet Room just before a vital meeting on Covid strategy could amount to a breach of the rules.”

Boris has made history by becoming the first ever sitting British Prime Minister to have been found guilty of breaking the law.

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