Police branded 'bully boys' by angry crowd as they arrest three teenagers in Liverpool

AN ANGRY crowd surrounded police officers and accused them of being "bully boys" after they arrested three youngsters in Liverpool.

Police ARREST three teenagers in Liverpool

The officers were criticised after they made the arrests in Queens Square in the city centre on Monday afternoon.

Three children were arrested on suspicion of assault, drug possession and disorderly and threatening behaviour. 

Police arrested the youngsters between the ages of 13 to 17 as an angry crowd gathered around the officers in the street. 

Four officers appear to forcefully press a young female suspect against the van as they put her in cuffs, while another teenager was seen to be in a headlock from a police officer.

Liverpool Police harsh with kidsFACEBOOK ANTOINETTE HANNAH

The police officers have been branded as bullies following the incident

One person can be heard shouting from the crowd that the officers were "bullies".

Melissa Inman, who posted the video online, told the Liverpool Echo: “I witnessed police officers attack young kids, ragging them on the floor into the van.

“One kid's face was that red we thought he was going to pass out by how tight he was cuffed and how hard he was handled. It was disgusting!

“I am shocked at how the police handled this situation.

A police spokesman said: “Merseyside Police can confirm that three people have been arrested after reports of anti-social behaviour in Queens Square, Liverpool city centre.

Child in police headlockFACEBOOK ANTOINETTE HANNAH

A police officer appeared to place one of the suspects in a headlock

“Officers attended the location at about 3.10pm.

“They have been taken to a police station where they will be questioned by officers.”

Merseyside Police did not comment on the allegations against the officers who were attending the incident.

The force did confirm a 13-year-old boy was arrested for threatening behaviour and assault while a 15-year-old girl was arrested for assaulting an officer and possession of a controlled drug.

A 17-year-old was also arrested for disorderly behaviour.

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