'Get a grip' Home Office slammed as damning report highlights failure to remove EU crooks

A LABOUR MP has told the Home Office to "get a grip" after a report showed thousands of overseas criminals are living in UK jails at taxpayer expense or free in their communities because of government failings.

Keith Vaz hits out at Home Office failings

The , more than any time since 2012.

Despite the Home Office deporting record numbers of EU criminals in 2015, the cross-party committee said progress had still not been quick enough.

Committee chairman Keith Vaz told Radio 4’s Today programme: "There are two problems that seem to have confronted the Home Office. The first is the unwillingness of some countries to take their citizens back, but also I think it is the process that we have."

"The first is the unwillingness of some countries to take their citizens back, but also I think it is the process that we have."

The Labour MP called for foreign offenders to surrender their passports when sentenced and for their deportation process to begin as soon as they are released.

He added: "The public would expect our membership of the European Union to make it easier to deport European offenders, but this is clearly not the case, and we continue to keep thousands of these criminals at great and unnecessary expense."

Keith Vaz and Wormwood Scrubs prisonGETTY

Keith Vaz has criticised the failure of the Home Office to deport EU and other overseas criminals

David Cameron loses temper answering EU questions

The EU is making us less safe

Vote Leave campaigner and Justice Minister Dominic Raab

Mr Vaz told the Home Office they need to "get a grip" and said immigration and the removal of foreign national offenders had been an Achilles heel of Theresa May.

John Attard of the Prison Governers’ Association added it was the responsibility of the Border Agency to deport foreign national offenders.

Vote Leave campaigner and Justice Minister Dominic Raab said: "The EU is making us less safe. 

"If we take back control we will be able to deport foreign criminals from our prisons."

But Mrs May, the Home Secretary, has said: "Last year we removed a record number of foreign national offenders from this country, including a record number of EU criminals.

"Being in the EU gives us access to criminal records sharing and prisoner transfer agreements which help us better identify people with criminal records and, allow us to send foreign criminals back to their home countries to serve their sentences."

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