Driver trapped in crumpled car for NINE HOURS walks away without a scratch

A DRIVER trapped inside his crumpled car for more than NINE HOURS after a horror accident has amazingly walked away without a scratch.

By Aaron Brown, Express Affiliate Development Editor with 10 years of experience writing about the latest developments in consumer technology, product reviews, and buying advice

The lucky driver's car teetered over the stream throughout the night The lucky driver's car teetered over the stream through the night [CATERS]

Lucky Adam Davidson flipped his car over a hedge before leaving the crushed vehicle teetering over a stream.

Out cold for nine hours, Mr Davidson's car could have dropped into the water below and drowned him at any second.

He was one of the luckiest people I have ever seen – having fallen unconscious, had the car slipped, he could have drowned in just a few inches of water

Phil Major, Hereford station commander

When the 36-year-old chef finally came to at 7:30am Saturday morning and called 999, fire and ambulances faced a race against time to locate him before he could black out again.

Although he remembered he'd been driving home when the crash took place, Mr Davidson had no idea where he was – forcing the emergency services operator to dispatch four fire engines across the north of the county to find the car crash victim.

Sirens blaring, the operator asked trapped Mr Davidson, from Herefordshire, whether the fire engines were getting closer or further away to finally locating him.

It took an hour for the mammoth rescue effort to find Mr Davidson – who was treated at the scene by paramedics.

Mr Davidson, a diabetic who is believed to have blacked out at the wheel, astonishingly suffered no serious injuries from his overnight ordeal.

Hereford station commander Phil Major, who led the search, called Mr Davidson "one of the luckiest people I have ever seen".

He explained: "The car had somehow cleared the hedge, leaving no sign of the accident on the road.

"When we arrived, the car was unstable and hanging over a stream on its side.

"He was one of the luckiest people I have ever seen – having fallen unconscious, had the car slipped, he could have drowned in just a few inches of water.

"I have never been part of a search mission like it.

"Ordinarily there is some mark on the road or we can use thermal imaging cameras, but at that point the engine would have cooled down and his body temperature would have dropped.

"We knew he lived in Hereford and had been travelling home from work so we got together a worked out a way to use the sirens to locate him.

"We couldn't have done it without great work from all three emergency services."

As a precaution, Mr Davidson was readmitted to Hereford County Hospital for further checks the next day.

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