Surprising poll shows 40% support reintroduction of face masks as twindemic spreads

Britons are being encouraged to wear a face covering if they are feeling unwell to help the NHS crisis, but over half of readers do not support a return to pandemic-style restrictions.

By Natalie Crookham, Engagement Editor

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To help mitigate pressure on the this winter Britons have been advised to wear face masks if they are feeling unwell. Health officials have also urged parents to keep ill children off school or nursery. However, a new poll of readers has found most do not support a return to social distancing and masks to help the country manage the “twindemic” of and cases.

The advice comes just as the NHS reaches a crisis point, battling spikes in covid and flu cases alongside Strep A infections, worker strikes and long-standing problems with patient backlogs.

The President Society for Acute Medicine, Dr Tim Cooksley said that “urgent action” is needed to rescue the health service, telling Sky News last week: “This situation is much worse than we experienced under the Covid pandemic at its peak.”

Scotland’s First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has advised Scots to follow some pandemic regulations as the country battles a growing NHS crisis.

At a government briefing on Monday, she said that “many of the basic protections we stressed during the pandemic are still relevant now” and urged anyone with symptoms of respiratory infections should stay home and wear a face covering when in public.

READ MORE: Expert says Brits should mask up and social distance as Covid surges

Woman wearing face covering

Almost 60 percent of readers opposed face mask regulations (Image: Getty)

In a poll that ran from 9,30am on Wednesday, January 4, to 10.30am on Wednesday, January 11, asked readers: “Would you support a return to social distancing and masks as 'twindemic' threatens lives?”

A total of 2,264 votes were cast with the majority of readers, 59 percent (1,328 people), answering “no” against social distancing and masks being enforced.

Meanwhile, 40 percent (919 people) said “yes” in support of measures being introduced and one percent (17 people) said they did not know either way.

Dozens of comments were left below the accompanying article as readers shared their thoughts on twindemic regulations.

Some readers argued against any mandatory restrictions being introduced to stop the spread of Covid and flu. Username SuJam said: “It's just another excuse to control us, and to justify preventing us from using the NHS.”

Another, username Dooley# said: “There would be riots on the streets if we had to go back to strict social distance and kept away from family again.”

Others commented the Government needed to close the borders, with username JanPez writing: “No! They should close the borders instead of making us all pay the price.”

While username 1down1across said: “Yes I would, provided the Government acts immediately to cancel flights from those countries that are highly infected.”


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Nicola Sturgeon

Nicola Sturgeon has advised Scots to follow some pandemic regulations (Image: Getty)

Woman wearing face masks on tube platform

Britons are being encouraged to wear a face covering if they are feeling unwell (Image: Getty)

Cancer treatment crisis as 18,000 on waiting list in 'heartbreaking' NHS figures

Over 18,000 patients who have been given an urgent referral for suspected cancer in the last year waited at least 100 days to start treatment.

According to charities, the figures which have doubled since the pandemic are having catastrophic consequences.

Whereas some readers thought that restrictions were necessary, with username UkssR commenting: “We need measures as soon as possible otherwise we will be back to square one. Mandatory mask-wearing would be a good start.”

They added: “Any mask is better than no mask when people are spluttering and coughing. Covid is not going away so the UK and others can expect social distancing soon - it's inevitable.”

However, others thought that the decision to wear a face mask and follow social distancing restrictions should be a personal choice, like username BiRo, who said: “Mask-wearing should be up to the individual.”

Likewise, username Bellina said: “I will wear a mask as and when I see fit.”

Man laying out social distancing signage

Most readers were also against social distancing guidance being introduced (Image: Getty)

NHS staff

The NHS is facing additional pressure this winter (Image: Getty)

Some Conservative MPs have also spoken out against a return to restrictions. Philip Davies, member for Shipley in West Yorkshire, has claimed the measures would make no difference: “I am afraid that any attempts to reintroduce mandatory mask wearing will rightly be met with widespread civil disobedience.”

And former minister Sir Desmond Swayne described a potential move as “madness” and warned that health benefits would be outweighed by the wider implications.

He said: “Masks were one of the more dystopian aspects of the Covid restrictions. The marginal impact on spread is disputed, but for the social beings that communicate so much by facial expression it is deeply sinister.”

Figures from the week leading up to December 31 show an increase of 47 percent on the previous week with 5,105 patients having flu. Hospital patients with Covid increased by almost 1,200 on the previous week with an average of 9,390 every day.

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