Midair HORROR as British Airways plane NARROWLY avoids hitting Chinese lantern at 20,000ft

A BRITISH Airways plane narrowly avoided colliding with a Chinese lantern flying at 20,000ft, an official report has revealed.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

British Airways pilot reports mysterious 'bright' object

The turbo-prop Saab 2000 aircraft carrying up to 50 passengers came within a split second of hitting the lantern, which flew less than 100ft past it, flight records said. The plane, going from the Isle of Man to London’s City airport, was flying above Duxford, Cambridgeshire, when the incredulous crew noticed the lantern. Reacting quickly at the unusual view, the pilot immediately alerted air traffic controllers as the flying lantern passed down the left side of the twin-engine aircraft, so that other planes flying in the area could be warned. 

The event unfolded at 5.30pm on July 30, as stated in the report by the UK Airprox Board, which investigates near misses.

The Board’s document also rated the near collision as the highest possible Category A incident, indicating there has been a serious risk of impact between the two.

The document added: “The Board considered that the pilot's overall account of the incident portrayed a situation where providence had played a major part in the incident and/or a definite risk of collision had existed.”

British Airways praised its pilot’s readiness, saying in a statement: “The safety of our customers and crew is always our priority. 

british airways plane chinese lantern

A British Airways plane was almost involved in a collision with a Chinese lantern this summer (Image: GETTY)

“We take such matters extremely seriously and encourage our pilots to report sightings so that the authorities can investigate and take the appropriate action.”

Chinese lanterns, traditionally made of paper wrapped around a bamboo or wire frame supporting a candle which provides hot air for them to float upwards, rarely fly so high in the sky.

The one which almost caused a collision with the British Airways aircraft may have been sent far into the sky by air currents.

While they are very popular and often used at parties and weddings, many have urged a crack down on their use as past incidents showed they can be a fire hazard and threat to wildlife and livestock. 

british airways plane chinese lantern

Chinese lanterns have been blamed for a number of incidents across the country (Image: GETTY)

british airways plane chinese lantern

The plane crew noticed the lantern at 5.30pm on July 30 (Image: GETTY)

In June 2013 a Chinese lantern was blamed for a massive fire involving 100,000 tonnes of plastic recycling material.

The disaster caused a damage worth £6million at Smethwick in the West Midlands.

And only five months later 50 caravans were damaged in another blaze believed to have been sparked by a Chinese lantern reaching the ground near Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire. 

british airways plane chinese lantern

The RSPCA claimed lanterns’ wire or bamboo frames can injure or even kill animals (Image: GETTY)

And the RSPCA, Britain’s charity for the prevention of animal cruelty, claimed lanterns’ wire or bamboo frames can injure or even kill birds and over animals who may end up eating or remaining trapped in them.

As a consequence, they called for Chinese lanterns to be banned from all council owned land in England, following a similar ban on council land in Wales.

The warnings over the lanterns’ potential dangers pushed some retailers, including Tesco and Poundland, to pull them from their shelves.

However, more than 200,000 are still bought every year in the UK. 

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