Royals to skip Buckingham Palace balcony appearance during Trooping the Colour next year

THE Royal Family won’t appear on the Buckingham Palace balcony this time next year for Trooping the Colour because renovation works to the building will still be underway, it has emerged.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

The Queen and the Royal family enjoy RAF flypast

The same balcony where Meghan Markle, Duchess of Sussex, debuted earlier this month may be inaccessible to anyone, even the Queen, in June 2019 due to the long-planned refurbishment of the building.

The East Wing of Buckingham Palace, where the balcony is located, is the first section to undergo a makeover in the ten-year planned works set to start in April next year.

If the refurbishment in the ornate Centre Room, which gives access to the iconic balcony, isn't completed by the beginning of the annual show, royals won’t be able to gather there.

A senior courtier told the MailOnline hopes were the works would not prevent the Royal Family from accessing the balcony. 

But they said it was too soon to make any prevision, adding: “It will be assessed. It needs to be safe.”

Another aide said: “We will be able to provide more details in the autumn, but the expectation is that it will be very much business as usual.”

This royal refurbishment is only interesting internal areas of the building and won’t touch the outside of Buckingham Palace.

The planned works will not only affect the area near the balcony, but also Royal Family’s members private apartments. 

royal family news latest trooping the colour 2019 buckingham palace refurbishment

The Royal Family may not appear on the balcony of Buckingham Palace for Trooping the Colour 2019 (Image: GETTY)

Prince Andrew, the Duke of York, will have to temporarily move elsewhere in the palace while workers carry out the refurbishment.

And Anne, the Princess Royal, has already moved to another apartment at St James’s Palace.

The works will take care of some 10 miles of leaky water pipes, 6,500 electrical sockets and a number of dangerous old wiring behind the walls and beneath the floors.

And 152 antique toilets will also be replaced. 

royal family news latest trooping the colour 2019 buckingham palace refurbishment

Meghan Markle was seen for the first time on the balcony of Buckingham Palace in June 2018 (Image: GETTY)

These works will cost taxpayers a whopping £369 million.

To carry them out, an incredible 10,000 precious artworks scattered around the palace will have to be removed before the builders arrive.

Some of the paintings, vases, tapestries and statues will be loaned to galleries and museums around the world.

But others will be safely kept into commercial storage during the duration of the works under the care of the Royal Collection, which has been working to find royal arts appropriate temporary homes. 

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