Harry and Meghan face royal wedding anger: Republicans demand right to PROTEST in Windsor

AN ANTI-MONARCHY group has demanded assurances from police any “peaceful protests” will not be stopped on the day of Meghan Markle and Prince Harry’s wedding, an event branded by the group's boss “PR for the monarchy”.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

Harry and Meghan: Countdown to the royal wedding

Graham Smith, leader of the pressure group Republic, told the police “it is vital” for protesters to be able to voice their discontent towards monarchy during the Royal Wedding without fearing they will be arrested.

Writing to the Chief Constable of Thames Valley Police, Francis Habgood he said: “The monarchy is a contested institution and, while this is a private wedding, all major royal events such as this are used as PR for the monarchy.

“It is therefore vital that the usual procedures and policies for allowing and facilitating peaceful protest remain in place.”

Saying police have carried out pre-emptive arrests at previous royal events, he then sought reassurances it would not happen again.

Mr Smith, who campaign for the abolition of monarchy, wrote: ”Can you please reassure me that anyone found carrying a placard or banner or appearing to be heading to the site of the wedding to protest will not be arrested or obstructed, unless there is a genuine risk to public safety? 

The monarchy is a contested institution and, while this is a private wedding, all major royal events such as this are used as PR for the monarchy

Graham Smith, CEO at Republic

“Can you confirm that the right to peaceful protest will continue in Windsor on the day of the wedding, including within the secure area and near the route of the royal procession?

"Any attempt by the police to disrupt protest in order to serve the interests of the royal household would be wholly inappropriate.

“Comments from police forces in the past have suggested that there is a real danger this will happen in Windsor.

“Your assurance that a royal wedding is no grounds for banning peaceful protest will be welcomed, not just by protesters or republicans, but by millions of people who believe the right to protest is a fundamental part of British life." 

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Royal wedding: Republic's leader demanded assurances 'peaceful protests' won't be stopped by police

A Thames Valley Police spokesman said: "Everyone has a right to express their views peacefully, however anyone looking to disrupt the event will be dealt with in a robust yet proportionate manner." 

A multi-million pound security operation is set to overlook the wedding, taking place in Windsor on May 19.

A security boundary has been mounted around the castle and St George’s Chapel.

Visitors and guests will have to pass through airport-style security scanners and bear the sight of steel barriers to deter any terrorist vehicle attack. 

Royal wedding news meghan marble prince harry newsBING

Royal Wedding: The area interested by the Royal Wedding

And everyone arriving in Windsor on the day will have to face a “screening and search regime”.

Republic voiced their discontent over the fact that taxpayers will have to pay to keep Windsor and the royals safe, launching a petition asking for the Royal Family to foot the bill.

Speaking to Express.co.uk Mr Smith said that even “one pound” given by the taxpayers “would be too much”.

He added: “They said is a private family event, but we are paying for what should be paid by themselves.” 

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