Prince Charles 'delighted' to be in Lake District to celebrate World Heritage status

HE has been a regular visitor and champion of its scenic landscapes for years so there was no better person than Prince Charles to celebrate a landmark occasion for the Lake District.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

Prince Charles greets crowds as he arrives in Cumbria

The heir to the throne, who since the foot and mouth disease crisis of 2001 has stayed at bed and breakfasts on annual visits to promote the rural economy of an area whose beauty has inspired romantic poets and artists since the 18th century, unveiled a plaque declaring the Lake District National Park a Unesco World Heritage Site.

Outside the Theatre By The Lake in Keswick, he gave the royal seal of approval to a decision taken by Unesco - the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation.

“Whenever I come here and, in the words of Psalm 121, ‘lift up mine eyes unto the hills’, I feel my spirits rise and I know the same is true of countless others,” he said.

The national park in Cumbria joined 30 other sites in Britain and other major world landmarks including the Taj Mahal and the Grand Canyon when it was added to the list of areas with World Heritage Site status last year.

Charles told crowds on the banks of Derwentwater: “I could not be more delighted to be with you here today on this very special occasion in what I happen to think is a particularly special part of the world.

Prince Charles celebrated the Lake DistrictGETTY / CLARENCE HOUSE TWITTER

Prince Charles celebrated the Lake District's Unesco status

I could not be more delighted to be with you here today on this very special occasion in what I happen to think is a particularly special part of the world

Prince Charles

“Official recognition by the Unesco World Heritage committee of the Lake District National Park as a World Heritage Site is a significant achievement, which I am told has taken 31 years.”

He congratulated those involved, including Lord Clark of Windermere, chairman of the Lake District National Park Partnership and former Labour cabinet minister, who led the bid.

The 69-year-old prince said: “Over the last 17 years I have made regular visits here, beginning at a time of crisis during foot and mouth.

“Over these years, as I have come to know local people and understand these unique farming communities, I am continually struck by their resilience and ability to overcome trials, whether of family tragedy, pestilence or flooding.

Prince Charles was greeted by local childrenCLARENCE HOUSE TWITTER

Prince Charles was greeted by local children and well-wishers in the Lake District

“But, ladies and gentlemen, we cannot take the survival of these very special communities for granted. Successful rural businesses are a prerequisite to delivering benefits for the public.”

Lord Clark thanked the Prince for attending the event saying: “We know he is a regular visitor to the county and we appreciate it so much.”

Environment Secretary Michael Gove was also at the event, along with Michael Ellis, Minister for Arts, Heritage and Tourism.

There were performances by schoolchildren and cast members from productions at the Theatre By The Lake before Charles unveiled the plaque, built on top of a dry stone wall.

Charles is on a day tour of the LakesPA

Charles is on a day tour of the Lakes to celebrate its World Heritage Site status

Shelagh Hughes, headteacher of St Herbert’s Primary School, said: “The children were very excited to perform but they took it really seriously because they knew how important it was. The Prince of Wales said he enjoyed it and the choir sang beautifully.

“He seemed very cheerful so I think he enjoyed his visit.”

Charles, who was known as a green prince long before environmentalism was fashionable, arrived in the region on the Royal Train at Langwathby station.

Later, he visited the National Centre for the Uplands at Newton Rigg College and a Kendal paper manufacturer which recycles takeaway coffee cups.

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