Engineers hold the key to our future, says Prince Philip

PRINCE Philip has said that engineers hold the key to dealing with population growth, explaining: “Everything that wasn’t invented by God was invented by an engineer”.

Prince PhilipGETTY

Prince Philip has called on engineers to shape the future of human life on Earth

The Duke of Edinburgh also said he was surprised there wasn’t a Nobel prize for engineering. 

He suggested that it would be engineers who could “decide” how a population boom could be managed without damaging the environment. 

The 94-year-old Duke told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme that his interest began when he was a naval officer “surrounded by engineering” on warships. 

Prince Philip at SandringhamGETTY

The 94-year-old Duke was interviewed on BBC Radio 4’s Today programme

After the Second World War, he said, “we were completely skint, seriously badly damaged and the only way we were going to recover was through engineering”. 

The human population of the world is growing and is occupying more space, and it has got to be accommodated somehow or other

Prince Philip

In 1976 Philip initiated the Fellowship of Engineering, now the Royal Academy of Engineering. 

In an interview broadcast yesterday he said: “The human population of the world is growing and is occupying more space, and it has got to be accommodated somehow or other. What I think most people would like to see is that it accommodates a certain amount of the natural world as well as the human world and everything that we require to keep it going. 

Prince PhilipGETTY

Philip says his interest began when he was a naval officer “surrounded by engineering” on warships

Lord BrowneGETTY

Prince Philip was interviewed by former BP boss Lord Browne

“But somehow or other that balance to try and fit as many people on to this globe as comfortably as possible without them doing too much damage - I think ultimately it’s going to be engineers who are going to decide that.”

He was interviewed by former BP boss Lord Browne, chairman of the Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering Foundation, who said he wanted the £1million award to be seen as a Nobel-style prize for engineering.

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