Sophie at 50: The Queen's quiet favourite

THE Countess of Wessex is more than just a regular riding companion for her mother-in-law, which is why she’s been given the highest seal of approval.

The Queen and Sophie riding horses together KELVIN BRUCE

The Queen goes horse riding with Sophie in the grounds of Windsor Castle

It was a relaxed and loving gesture that said a great deal about their close and supportive relationship.

As Sophie Rhys-Jones approached the altar on 19 June 1999 in the intimate setting of St George’s Chapel, Windsor Castle, Prince Edward smiled and subtly winked at his elegant bride.

Then came news that as well as eschewing an elaborate wedding at St Paul’s Cathedral or Westminster Abbey, the couple wanted any future children to be styled without the royal titles, HRH.

Like her sister-in-law Princess Anne before her, the Countess of Wessex – as Sophie became on marriage – wanted her children to able to grow up free from the public glare and media spotlight.

She and Edward have also managed to provide Lady Louise and James, Viscount Severn, now aged 11 and seven, with a stable family life.

Edward is the only one of the Queen’s children not to have suffered a marriage break-up.

Today is Sophie’s 50th birthday, a significant milestone for a royal who continues to carry out her extensive public duties with diligence and usually well beneath the media radar.

And she has never looked better.

Having dropped two dress sizes, with the help of a personal trainer and thanks to swimming and Pilates, she looks regal but thoroughly modern.

Today she will carry out two official duties with her husband: one at Tomorrow’s People, a national charity that helps disadvantaged people get a job; the other a demonstration of the avoidable blindness programme at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.

Sophie is patron or president of more than 70 charities and undertook 225 official engagements last year, making her one of the most active members of the Royal Family.

Sophie's 50th birthday portrait photo GETTY

Sophie looks as beautiful as ever in her 50th birthday portrait

She is recognised as “indefatigable” in her work to eradicate preventable blindness; her passion stems for her daughter’s need for surgery for the eye condition exotropia (a divergent squint) last year.

Sophie and the Queen ride together frequently and on Christmas Day it is traditionally Sophie who accompanies the Queen from Sandringham in her state limousine while her husband walks.

The Queen also loves to go riding with her youngest grandchildren.

Their close relationship is carefully nurtured by Sophie, who tries where possible to carry out her royal duties on several consecutive days leaving the rest of the week free to pick the children up from school herself, and, when she is free, to make time to see “Granny”.

In 2010, the Queen awarded Sophie the Grand Cross of the Royal Victorian Order – her highest seal of approval – and indicative of her standing in her mother-in-law’s eyes.

Sophie has previously been described as “the Queen’s favourite”, with the two sharing a passion for horses and military history.

However, the accolade is not only a reflection of their close personal connection but a testament to her hard-working nature.

Former BBC royal correspondent Jennie Bond says: “Sophie fits very well into the Royal Family because she is so unassuming.

"In her early days she was nothing worse than naïve but, ever since, she has thrown herself into her royal duties and not put a foot wrong.”

For her part, Sophie said recently that the Queen had been her inspiration.

“In the early days, I used to rush around as quickly as I could, but when you observe the Queen, she does things in such as measured way and I hope I have learnt not to try to bounce into the room, but do things in a slightly more elegant way,” she explained in an interview to mark her milestone birthday.

When you observe the Queen, she does things in such as measured way and I hope I have learnt not to try to bounce into the room, but do things in a slightly more elegant way

Sophie Rhys-Jones, the Countess of Wessex

2015 is also the year in which Sophie will also celebrate her 16th wedding anniversary.

The first outsider to marry into the Royal family following Diana’s death in 1997, there have never been rumours of difficulty between a royal couple who have always seemed particularly well suited – Edward with his background in theatre, and Sophie with her previous career in public relations.

Both are creative, caring and dutiful.

The Queen is said to enjoy the closest relationship of all her children with her youngest son Edward, also 50, and sometimes arrives unannounced at Bagshot Park, the home he shares with Sophie near Windsor, to share tea with her two youngest grandchildren who are respectively ninth and tenth in line to the throne.

Prince Edward may have made an unwise decision to film his nephew Prince William while he was at St Andrews as part of his ill-fated TV company Ardent Productions.

And Sophie may have got caught out by in the “Fake Sheikh” episode in 2001 when she shared her candid opinions about public figures with an undercover reporter working for a Sunday newspaper (Cherie Blair was described as “Just horrid. Absolutely horrid, horrid, horrid”).

But in time both Sophie and her husband conceded that the independent careers they had been so determined to maintain were impossible to reconcile with their royal standing.

They finally became full-time royals 13 years ago during the Queen’s Golden Jubilee year.

Sophie has admitted that giving up her own business was hard and says “I did miss it very badly for a while”.

Sophie with her family PA

Sophie with husband Edward and children Louise and James

Since then, Sophie and Edward have taken on numerous public duties as the Queen’s senior representatives at foreign events, as well as carrying out their own charitable engagements.

One of Prince Edward’s primary concerns is the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award scheme founded by his father in 1956.

For her part, the Countess concentrates on children, disabilities and communication problems – she succeeded the Queen Mother as patron of the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists in 2003.

Royal biographer Hugo Vickers says she is a true professional: “I once invited her to unveil a Jubilee Walkway panel, and her office asked if there were any people who needed to be specially concentrated on.

"She moved seamlessly from one to the next, having absolutely mastered the brief in advance.

"She is a natural – easy to talk to, with a light touch, and fun.”

And her care for those she meets is informed by her own history; in 2001 Sophie experienced a dangerous ectopic pregnancy and two years later, during the birth of her daughter, lost so much blood her life was seriously threatened.

While the Duchess of Cambridge is widely known for being the daughter of a businessman and former air hostess who now run a party planning website, Sophie’s parents were also hard-working members of the middle classes.

Her father Christopher, now a widower and said to be a particular favourite of the Queen, is a retired tyre salesman.

Her late mother, Mary, was a secretary.

Like her mother, Sophie also went to secretarial college before moving into PR.

She and Edward met at a Real Tennis charity event in 1993 and married six years later.

Despite her background observers insist she is a natural royal whose approach is reminiscent of the Queen’s late aunt Princess Alice, Duchess of Gloucester, and her cousin Princess Alexandra, who was forced in 2013 to cancel all engagements due to arthritis.

“The Countess of Wessex is in the mould of Princess Alice and Princess Alexandra, who in their different, quiet ways, never failed to support the monarch of the day,” says biographer Hugo Vickers.

“Such dedication does not attract daily headlines and nor should it.” 

Countess of Wessex Speech

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