Duke and Duchess' one big obsession exposed by royal insider

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry are "stage managing" the events in their lives, a royal expert has claimed.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are “stage managing” everything to suit themselves, a royal commentator has claimed.

Arthur Edwards, Sun Royal Photographer told the Sun’s Royal Exclusive host, Matt Wilkinson, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex have been controlling the narrative around their lives, down to when their son Archie was born.

Edwards said: “Harry's baby Archie was almost teething before we found out it was born.

We were led to believe that she was gone into labor at two, when the baby had been born many hours earlier.

“We were led to believe it was going to be a home birth and it was at a hospital, the whole thing was just stage managed to suit them.”

Edwards added that Prince Harry and Meghan’s wedding was the “worst Royal Engagement” he ever covered as Harry was determined to keep the newspapers away from it as much as possible.

Referring to some of the things that were published about Meghan Markle prior to the wedding, Edwards added: “Some of the things that were said about Meghan were pretty unfair and so he was angry and I felt you know we were punished for that and in fact I never got one picture in the paper published from that day.”

Princess Kate's telling gesture during poignant reunion with Meghan Markle

Kate, Princess of Wales, clearly showed she had no intention to attempt small talk or put on a united front with Meghan Markle during a poignant walkabout, it has been claimed.

Before the death of Queen Elizabeth II, Meghan and Princess Kate didn't have many opportunities for a face-to-face encounter, with the Duchess of Sussex travelling back to the UK only for a short visit to the late monarch in April 2022 and, two months later, to mark her Platinum Jubilee.

However, body language expert Judi James claimed Kate performed a gesture suggesting she was in no mood for rapprochement.

Analysing the moments in which the Prince and Princess of Wales and the Duke and Duchess of Sussex stepped out of their car to meet royal fans, Ms James previously told the Mirror: "The first sight of the two couples that day was when the car they were all travelling in and pulled up outside the gates of Windsor Castle.

"As the car drove up it was clear the two couples had shared the ride. The right-hand doors opened and Harry got out, followed by William. Despite their differences, the brothers kept close together and even stood together to make their greetings.

"Kate got out the other side with Meghan behind her. Kate's first gesture of intent came as she stormed around the car to join the brothers without as much as a backward glance at Meghan. She was clearly going to make no attempt to play at small talk or unity.

"Meghan went to follow at a distance but held back as though unsure whether to join the others or not. While Kate ignored the Sussexes, it was William who noticed Meghan and extended an arm to invite her to join them. Meghan hung back in the group and Harry squeezed round behind his brother to get to his wife, who was standing nervously tossing her hair."

King Charles 'doesn't dwell' on feud with Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, insider reveals

King Charles has preferred to move his focus away from the ongoing feud with Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, particularly since the latest development regarding Harry's last visit to the UK.

A close family friend has revealed that the King prefers not to "dwell" on the subject after he and his youngest son were unable to reconcile while Harry was in London for the Invictus Games 10th anniversary service.

A spokesperson for the Duke of Sussex said earlier this month that His Majesty was "too busy" with other duties to see his Harry, adding: "The Duke of course is understanding of his father's diary of commitments and various other priorities and hopes to see him soon."

However it has since emerged that the King did invite Harry to stay at a royal residence during his trip but that the Prince chose to stay at a hotel instead.

A royal source told The Daily Beast: "Relations are as bad as they have ever been. Nothing has been resolved. But Charles does not spend a great deal of time dwelling on the matter because he is so busy."

Princess Diana 'would have made Prince Harry apologise' to King Charles after royal rift

Princess Diana died at the age of 36, when Prince Harry was just 12 years old, but if she were still here, she would not be happy with what’s transpired, says one royal insider.

Charles and Diana had been divorced for one year, but even so, her former butler, Paul Burrell, knew Diana well enough to say she would have expected Harry to be respectful of his father, then and now.

Mr Burrell spoke to The Sun, saying: “There’s no love lost between Diana and Charles, but what was important to Diana is that both boys should have been influenced by both parents.”He adds: “She would have made Harry apologize to Charles, and Diana would have been the broker of that — she was always the peacemaker.”

Prince Harry and King Charles

Prince Harry has been in a long-standing royal rift with his father and brother (Image: Getty)

Prince Harry's latest snub shows 'he'll never be seen with royals again'

Prince Harry shouldn't be expected to attend any gatherings of the Royal Family, a leading royal commentator has claimed. Former BBC royal correspondent Jennie Bond asked whether the Duke of Sussex realised that by walking away from royal life he would be alienating himself from "pretty much everyone and everything" he knew in Britain.

She was commenting ahead of the Duke of Westminster's wedding ceremony at Chester Cathedral on June 7, with guests including Prince William, who will also reportedly act as an usher.

However, it is understood Prince Harry is not expected to attend Hugh Grosvenor and Olivia Henson's big day, with some reports saying the Duke and Meghan Markle had turned down their invitation. Others claim the Sussexes weren't invited to avoid tension between the pair and Harry's estranged brother, the Prince of Wales.

Ms Bond told OK! magazine: "This will be another pinch point for Harry, another illustration he has now excluded himself from the Royal Family and from most of his UK friends. It must be a grim reality for him."

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle risk losing £12m Montecito pad in latest 'embarrassment'

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are at risk of possibly losing their £12 million mansion in Montecito, California as the legal row surrounding the Duke of Sussex's US visa rumbles on.

Last year, conservative think tank Heritage Foundation launched a lawsuit demanding the Joe Biden administration make Harry's US visa documents public, to show whether past drug use was disclosed.

The Prince publicly admitted past drug use in his January 2023 tell-all memoir Spare, leading to questions over whether this was admitted on his forms.

Royal commentator Richard Fitzwilliams told The Sun it could be a PR blow for the Prince.

Harry and Meghan relocated to California after stepping down as senior royals in 2020

Harry and Meghan relocated to California after stepping down as senior royals in 2020 (Image: Getty)

'Prodigal Son' Prince Harry warned he 'really upset' King Charles with brutal Camilla dig

Prince Harry is the "Prodigal Son" who "really upset" King Charles with the allegations levelled against the Royal Family in his memoir, an expert has claimed. Arthur Edwards, royal photographer at The Sun newspaper, said in his view the Duke of Sussex had "lost his way a bit", but hoped there would be a reconciliation between Harry and the Royal Family.

Mr Edwards told The Sun's Royal Exclusive show: "Harry's just lost his way a bit in my view. I think he is the Prodigal Son, in my view, and he's got to think about what he's doing and think what damage he's done."

He added that everyone is capable of forgiveness and, as in the parable, the Prodigal Son returned to the fold.

But he warned King Charles would likely be "unhappy" at the prospect of Harry finding out things about the Royal Family and sharing details in his next book or interview.

Prince Harry is 'the Prodigal Son', but King Charles will be 'really upset' by his claims

Prince Harry is 'the Prodigal Son', but King Charles will be 'really upset' by his claims (Image: Getty)

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle propelled into 'A-list bracket' after 'impressive' move

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry have been “propelled” in the "A-lister bracket" after their successful visit to Nigeria, according to a Royal Family expert.

Although Meghan did not attend an event in London to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Invictus Games earlier this month, she flew to Heathrow Airport to meet her husband, and together they traveled to Nigeria for a three-day tour of the Commonwealth country.

The tour was widely regarded as successful, with the Sussexes receiving praise for championing mental health awareness during multiple engagements in Nigeria.

Royal commentator Richard Fitzwilliams told GB News that the tour propelled the couple into an "A-lister bracket".

The Sussexes received praise for championing mental health awareness

The Sussexes received praise for championing mental health awareness (Image: Getty)

Prince Harry and Meghan 'causing worry' among Firm as they forge closer bond with 2 royals

The Royal Family are said to be concerned that and are growing closer to and , an expert has claimed.

The Sussexes are barely on speaking terms with many of the most senior royals, including Prince William and Princess Kate, however Harry remains on good terms with his cousins.

Eugenie has even been to visit Harry and Meghan out in Montecito, while the Prince was seen chatting happily with her and husband Jack Brooksbank at the Coronation last May.

Royal author Tom Quinn told The Mirror: "For William and Kate an alliance between Harry and Meghan and Beatrice and Eugenie is a huge worry.

"They sense that Beatrice and Eugenie feel that, as virtual outcasts themselves, they have far more in common with Harry and Megan than with any other part of the family."

Prince Harry ‘turns the tables and paps reporter’ in hilarious Klosters exchange

Prince Harry turned the tables on the royal reporter who revealed the royal dressed up as a Nazi at a fancy dress party during an hilarious exchange in a loo in Klosters. Harry apologised for wearing a swastika armband to a pal's bash in Wiltshire in 2005, acknowledging it was a poor choice of costume. The Duke of Sussex detailed the shocking aftermath in his book, Spare.

The Sun broke the story under the front page headline "Harry the Nazi" with an image of the prince in a brown shirt at the party, which was also attended by Prince William, who reportedly went dressed as a lion.

Royal expert and author Duncan Larcombe broke the story along with colleague Jamie Pyatt after one of the revellers offered to sell them photos from the fancy dress party, which was themed "colonial and native".

Mr Larcombe told fellow royal expert Kinsey Schofied on the US based presenter's Kinsey Schofield Unfiltered podcast that the party-goer flicked through to the last photo in a series of images which showed Prince Harry in the brown shirt and red Nazi armband.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle exert tighter control over their image now

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle exert tighter control over their image now (Image: Getty)

Prince Harry to avoid wedding because of Prince William: 'Can't bear being in same room'

Prince Harry has turned down an invitation to the wedding of a close friend of his, and a royal expert believes it is because he is not ready to be in the same room as Prince William.

Hugh Grosvenor, the 7th Duke of Westminster is marrying Olivia Henson at Chester Cathedral on June 7.

Hugh is a good friend of both of the royal brothers, meaning the Prince of Wales could also be present at the ceremony.

Royal author Tom Quinn has claimed that .

Harry 'cant bear' to see William, it has been claimed

Harry 'cant bear' to see William, it has been claimed (Image: Getty)

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle issued warning over future 'faux royal tours'

and were warned that their "faux royal tours" abroad could "deepen" the ongoing rift with the Royal Family.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex embarked on what was described by many as earlier this month to promote mental health for soldiers and empower young people.

And they also hinted that after Harry told PEOPLE that it's "hugely important for us to meet directly with people, supporting our causes and listening, in order to bring about solutions, support and positive change."

But now a PR expert has claimed trips of this nature could have an impact on the Montecito couple's already

PR specialist Lynn Carratt from Press Box PR told the Mirror: "These faux-royal tours could deepen their rift with the Royal Family, if not handled correctly.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have hinted at more 'tours' in the future

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have hinted at more 'tours' in the future (Image: Getty)

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's biggest PR disasters, according to royal experts

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's biggest PR disasters have been laid out by royal experts.

Every week in 'Pump Up The Jam', royal experts Kinsey Schofield and Cristo Foufas deep-dive into the Sussexes. The most recent episode focused on the couple’s PR missteps over the years.

The royal experts said that the first PR nightmare would “define (the Sussexes) for the rest of their lives”.

After stepping back as senior royals, the couple sat down with Oprah Winfrey in 2021 for a tell-all interview about why they decided to move to America and their issues with the royal family.

Royal experts have named the Sussexes worst PR moves

Royal experts have named the Sussexes worst PR moves (Image: Getty)

Good Morning

Good morning, I'm Aditi Rane and I will be bringing you all the latest updates on Meghan Markle and Prince Harry this morning.

Please feel free to reach out with stories and tips at aditi.rane@reachplc.com.

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