Meghan Markle and Prince Harry urged to appear on The Kardashians to boost careers

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry were reportedly offered the chance to appear on The Kardashians, and a PR expert says they should seize the opportunity

By Matthew Dooley, Assistant News Editor

Prince Harry Meghan Markle and Kim Kardashian.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have been urged to go on The Kardshians. (Image: GETTY)

and have been urged to go on to help their careers by a PR expert.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex left the Royal Family and moved near Hollywood in 2020 and have made shows for Netflix, including their famous documentary Harry and Meghan.

Now, it's been, specifically The Kardashians' show. PR expert Ryan McCormick has urged the couple to go ahead

The top PR guru from Goldman McCormick PR told The Mirror: "I think Harry and Meghan should appear on The Kardashians or any platform that has a huge audience. If they're not producing content they need to stay in the public eye and rubbing shoulders with celebrities would be one way to do it."

He added: "If I were advising the duo, I would ask them to consider creating an annual charity event where they could invite well-known individuals."

Prince Harry and Meghan at the wheelchair basketball final between the United States and France.

Prince Harry and Meghan at the wheelchair basketball final between the United States and France. (Image: Getty Images)

Harry was seen skiing with Kris Jenner's boyfriend Corey Gamble, leading to speculation he could be on the show.

An onlooker told the Daily Mail: "Harry's been skiing with Corey. They've been skiing during the day and going to one of the better-known speak-easies in the evening."

Meanwhile, back home, Meghan made a mark by launching her lifestyle and cooking brand, American Riviera Orchard. The brand seems to link up with a Netflix cooking show and features items like cookbooks, jams, and kitchen tools.

Shrouded in mystery, American Riviera Orchard's Instagram only notes it is "by Meghan, The Duchess of Sussex" and was "established in 2024". The website invites fans to join a waiting list, without offering more info.

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