Meghan Markle 'knew exactly what she was doing' with timing of new brand 'marketing' plot

EXCLUSIVE: Meghan Markle carefully timed the release of her new brand American Riviera Orchard on Instagram in a genius "marketing" plot, an expert has claimed.

By Callum HoareMatthew Dooley, Assistant News Editor

Meghan Markle

Meghan Markle launched her new lifestyle brand yesterday. (Image: Getty)

Meghan Markle released her new brand American Riviera Orchard in a genius "marketing" plot to garner a reaction, a royal expert has claimed.

The introduced herself under her royal title on the ARO Instagram last night as Prince Harry and Prince William made appearances at the Diana Awards Ceremony.

Speaking to Daily Express US, royal expert Robert Jobson hit out at the decision but claimed the move was "good marketing".

He said: "This is poor timing once again. Meghan knows she will get a reaction and that's exactly what she wants. This is an example of good marketing. She knows what she is doing."

The expert continued, noting that, , Meghan introduced the brand under her Duchess of Sussex moniker.

Meghan Markle.

Meghan Markle perfectly timed the release in a 'marketing' plot, a royal expert claimed. (Image: Getty)

Mr Jobson added: "Meghan and Harry struck an agreement with the Queen not to use their royal titles for financial gain. But the Queen is no longer with us.

"I don't know why they don't just call it Meghan and Harry. That would be far more popular. Not many people know them. It's time they stopped worrying about the . They have a big enough brand.

"They will be in America all their lives now and so should establish themselves as Meghan and Harry."

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Mr Jobson wasn't the only royal expert to point out Meghan's use of the Duchess of Sussex title. Daily Mirror royals editor Russel Myers also called out the Duchess.

He wrote on X: "If you sign up for info on Meghan Markle's new business venture, you'll be notified about 'products'.

"Clear breach of the agreement by the Duke and Duchess of Sussex to not profit off their royal titles, is it not?"

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