Meghan to avoid the UK for ‘self preservation’ rather than face ire of the British public

A chorus of royal watchers have predicted that Meghan Markle will never again set foot in the UK - with one adding that the Duchess of Sussex doesn't want to face Britons.

By Matthew Dooley, Assistant News Editor

Meghan Markle's social media return discussed by expert

Meghan Markle will avoid the UK for “self-preservation” as the wants to avoid the humiliation of being booed, a expert has claimed.

biographer Andrew Morton recently claimed wouldn’t travel to the UK because she didn’t want to curtsy to .

Now, royal watcher Kinsey Schofield has added to the consensus that the Duchess will avoid the UK but for a different reason.

“Andrew Morton is absolutely correct. [But] Meghan wouldn’t have to bow to the until she became Queen Consort,” Ms Schofield said on Talk TV.

The real reason Meghan will avoid the UK - for the moment - is a matter of “self-preservation”, according to the host of the To Di For Daily podcast.

Meghan Markle will avoid the UK as an act of self-preservation, claimed a royal expert.

Meghan Markle will avoid the UK as an act of self-preservation, claimed a royal expert. (Image: GETTY)

She said: “I certainly think that Meghan will avoid the UK for self-preservation. She does not want the boos, she doesn’t want the negative attention and we did see them boo her at the .

“She wants to go where she’s celebrated and elevated and apparently that’s a .”

The last time was in the UK was for the Queen’s funeral, nearly a year ago.

The Duke and Duchess were in the country when the news broke that was unwell. Harry travelled to Balmoral Castle while Meghan remained in London.

Although Harry has been back since the Queen's funeral, Meghan has not returned to the UK.

Although Harry has been back since the Queen's funeral, Meghan has not returned to the UK. (Image: GETTY)

The pair left shortly after the funeral and Meghan hasn’t been back since. Harry returned for as well as court proceedings in a case brought by the Duke.

He’s set to return home again on September 7 to give a speech at the WellChild Awards. However, Meghan will remain stateside.

The Duke is due in Dusseldorf, Germany for the on September 9 and it is thought that Meghan will meet him there a short time later.

While the Prince is in the UK, he isn’t expected to meet with any members of the .

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