Readers divided on whether Prince George should break tradition and skip military service

A new poll has shown readers are split on whether the young heir should be made to serve in the armed forces before ascending the throne.

By Natalie Crookham, Engagement Editor

Prince George and Princess Charlotte take seats at Wimbledon

will not be expected to serve in the before he becomes Sovereign, but the Prince and Princess of Wales’s decision for their 10-year-old son, which is a break from royal tradition, has .

A long-time friend of Prince William said that George, who is third-in-line to the throne, will not be forced to join the military.

He told the Mail on Sunday earlier this month: “In theory, there is nothing to stop George from pursuing a career as an astronaut, for example, if that’s what he wants, and then becoming King later.

“The rules are different now, he wouldn’t necessarily have to follow the old formula of going into the military and then Royal life. So, could Charlotte qualify as a doctor, for example? I don’t see why not. It’s less of a fishbowl now than when William and Harry were growing up.”

The British Monarch is the head of the armed forces and it is tradition for the King to have served. King Charles served in both the Navy and air force while William trained as an RAF pilot.

Prince George at Wimbledon

Express readers are split on whether Prince George should break tradition and skip military service (Image: Getty)

In a poll that ran from 11.30am on Wednesday, July 19, to 2.15pm on Monday, July 24, : “Should Prince George have to serve in the army before becoming King?”

Overall, 2,107 votes were received with 48 percent (1,018 people) answering “no” he should not while a further 48 percent (1,010 people) said “yes” he should. Four percent (79 people) said they did not know.

In the , readers took part in a lively debate on whether George should have to serve in the military.

Prince George and Prince William at Wimbledon

Prince George will not be expected to serve in the armed forces before he becomes Sovereign (Image: Getty)

Some readers argued that George should not have to serve, with username Dan Archer commenting: “No, he shouldn't have to. He may well want to, but there are plenty of other very worthy careers he might wish to pursue.”

Username Goldielover said: “I don't see why he needs to. It should be up to George.”

While username alsatian agreed: “It should be his own choice whether he does or not!”

Historian Dominic Sandbrook agreed and explained to the Mail on Sunday: “Times change and institutions change with them... who can blame him if he would rather pursue a different vocation?”

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Prince William RAF

Prince William trained as an RAF pilot (Image: Max Mumby/Indigo/Getty)

Whereas other readers thought that George should keep up the tradition and conduct military service. Username forfigssake wrote: “Yes, he should. It will ground him and prepare him for his tenure as King.”

Another, username calou said: “He does need to serve in one of the branches of the military. He will be colonel in chief and all service people will pledge allegiance to him. He needs an understanding of what they are being asked to do.”

And username rusty53a said: “Yes because ultimately he will be Commander in Chief of all our armed forces. Surely you cannot claim to be the leader if you haven't served in the armed forces.”

Ann Widdecombe claimed in her that George must “give up his birthright” as King if he does not serve in the military.

A source close to Buckingham Palace said: “If any of the Wales’ three children had a particular passion then their parents would be happy for them to pursue it.”

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