Joe Biden won't attend King's Coronation after 'feeling slighted' at Queen's funeral

Joe Biden may have decided to miss the King's Coronation as he was "disappointed" by his treatment at the Queen's funeral last year, claimed a royal expert.

By Matthew Dooley, Assistant News Editor

Nile Gardiner reacts to reports Biden will not attend King's Coronation

may want to miss as he was "slighted" at the , according to a expert. When the US President and the First Lady attended the sombre occasion in September of last year they were seated 14 rows back, something which royal expert Kinsey Schofield said left Biden "disappointed".

"Don't forget, he was disappointed by his seating arraignments at the Queen's funeral, so could that be it?," Ms Schofield claimed.

She continued: "Could he have felt slighted by the seating arraignments at the Queen's funeral and thought 'I'm not going to embarrass myself again by being in the back'."

The host of the To Di For Daily podcast also worried about Biden's age, something which has been cited as a reason he might not attend the Queen's funeral.

She added: "I think he's on his last leg, I mean, I don't think he knows what his last name is half the time."

King Charles and Joe Biden.

Joe Biden called King Charles yesterday to tell him he wouldn't be attending the Coronation. (Image: GETTY)

Prince Harry's visit to London was to 'test waters' ahead of King Charles's Coronation

Prince Harry's arrival at the High Court this week may have been intended to “test the waters” with the British public before the Duke and Duchess of Sussex decided to attend King Charles’s Coronation, a royal expert has said.

However, royal commentator Hilary Fordwich said she believes the Sussexes are facing a “lose-lose situation” as a result of the fallout from their Netflix series and Harry’s memoir, Spare, both of which contained stinging criticism of the British royals including allegations of racism - and could even be booed.

"This is disgusting and I hate to use this word but remember the story about him passing gas in front of Camilla, Queen Consort? It's not like he's left a good impression on these people," the royal expert opined on TalkTV.

Yesterday Joe Biden phoned to inform him that he would not be attending the once in a generation event.

Born on November 20, 1942 the octogenarian president would have been 10 years old when Queen Elizabeth II was crowned on June 2, 1953.

Around 2,000 guests, some of them world leaders, will attend King Charles's Coronation on May 6 later this year.

READ MORE: Meghan and Harry 'no longer golden couple', says expert

Joe and Jill Biden at the Queen's funeral.

Joe Biden is said to have been 'disappointed' with his treatment at the Queen's funeral. (Image: GETTY)

King Charles and Queen Camilla.

King Charles will be crowned next month on May 6. (Image: GETTY)

In the President's stead, First Lady Jill Biden will attend the event, the White House confirmed yesterday.

"The president congratulated the King on his upcoming coronation and informed him that First Lady Jill Biden looks forward to attending on behalf of the United States," the White House said in a statement.

It added: "The president also conveyed his desire to meet with the King in the United Kingdom at a future date."

Both British and American officials have stated the countries' so-called special relationship remains strong, but the news comes amid tensions between the allies.

Joe Biden.

Joe Bien often touts his Irish heritage. (Image: GETTY)

Joe Biden has touted his Irish heritage and was vocal over sticking points between the UK and the EU over the Northern Ireland Protocol which he said London should respect.

Next week, Biden will visit both Ireland and Northern Ireland ahead of the 25th Anniversary of the Good Friday Agreement between the countries.

The President is expected to meet distant relatives during his visit to the Emerald Isle: his cousins the Finnegans who live in Counties Louth and Mayo.

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