Tide turns for Harry and Meghan as Americans want Archie and Lilibet to have titles

Americans want Prince Archie Harrison and Princess Lilibet Diana to have their royal titles, a new poll shows, despite Meghan Markle telling Oprah that royal titles can bring "a lot of pain".

By Matthew Dooley, Assistant News Editor

Archie and Lilibet 'will have' royal titles says Fitzwilliams

and have received a major boost as most Americans believe their children should have royal titles, a new poll has found. The children were born Archie and Lilibet Mountbatten-Windsor but since the death of they have been titled and .

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry began using the titles after a spokesperson announced that Princess Lilibet had been christened earlier in March. Since that announcement, Buckingham Palace has updated its website to reflect the change.

New polling shows that 53 percent of Americans think the Sussexes' children should have the right to their titles while 15 percent said they shouldn't - 14 percent they didn't know while 18 percent said they didn't care. The poll was conducted for Newsweek by Redfield & Wilton.

Although Archie and Lilibet automatically became prince and princess when their great-grandmother died in September, Meghan and Harry had not publicly used the titles until Lilibets christening. The lack of public recognition had cast doubt over what the Sussex children would be called.

That announcement also sparked some debate considering the couple's criticism of the monarchy and Meghan Markle's comments in a famous Oprah Winfrey interview about the implications of having a royal title.


Meghan Markle Prince Harry Archie and Lilibet.

Meghan and Harry have received a boost as most American's want their children to have titles. (Image: Alexi Lubomirski)

Meghan Markle Prince Harry Prince Archie

Prince Archie (pictured) was born in London. The Sussexes have since moved to the US. (Image: GETTY)

King Charles and Queen Camilla make secret visit for Coronation preparations

King Charles and Queen Consort Camilla have been spotted undertaking a secret trip to check in on their upcoming Coronation preparations.

The royal couple stopped by Hampton Court Palace on Wednesday to visit the people hard at work to make the big day perfect, official records revealed.

During the March 2021 interview, Meghan said: "It's not our decision to make, right? Even though I have a lot of clarity on what comes with the titles, good and bad - and from my experience, a lot of pain. I, again, wouldn't wish pain on my child, but that is their birth right to then make a choice about."

The new survey results are likely welcome news for the couple. Polls show the Duke and Duchess's popularity has fallen significantly in America since the release of Spare and a Netflix documentary last December savaging the Royal Family.

Prince Harry had a net approval rating of -10 in February, down 38 points since December, according to a Redfield & Wilton for Newsweek taken in February after the release of Spare.

Similarly, Meghan Markle had a dismal net approval rating of -17, a drop of 40 points since December.

Should Harry and Meghan's children have royal titles? Share your thoughts in the comments section below

Princess Lilibet.

Meghan and Harry were not using the children's titles until the christening of Princess Lilibet. (Image: PA)

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry.

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry have been invited to the Coronation. (Image: GETTY)

The most recent polling also shows that almost half of Americans want Meghan and Harry to attend the Coronation of King Charles at 49 percent for Harry and 45 percent for Meghan.

Only nine percent of people in the US oppose the Duke of Sussex attending while only 10 percent would oppose Meghan appearing at the event.

While the Sussexes have been invited to the Coronation, Lilibet and Archie have not. It has been said that the couple are in negotiations with Buckingham Palace over the children's attendance as well as the role the Duke and Duchess would play at the event.

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