Most Britons 'will be delighted' if Harry and Meghan skip Coronation, claims royal expert

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry have been invited to the King's Coronation but a royal biographer claimed "most" people in the UK don't want them to attend.

By Matthew Dooley, Assistant News Editor

Kevin O’Sullivan: Harry and Meghan will turn the Coronation into 'a circus'

Most Britons would "be delighted" if and stayed home for the , claims one biographer. A recent survey found that one in five Britons said they were "less likely" to watch the event if the Sussexes attended.

Although the couple has been invited, its unclear if they will attend and reports have surfaced that Meghan and Harry are locked in negotiations with the Palace over their role during the event.

"I think, certainly in the UK, most people will be delighted if they don't turn up...there will be boos like you've never heard, they are so badly regarded now," claimed royal biographer Angela Levin on Sky News Australia.

The comments come as a survey by showed that a number of viewers would switch off if the Sussexes do attend.

The survey of 2,000 Britons by OnePoll found that more than one in five (21 percent) would be less likely to watch the Coronation while 12 percent would "definitely not want to watch" with Meghan and Harry there.

Meghan Markle Prince Harry.

Brits would be 'delighted' if Meghan and Harry missed the event, according to one royal commentator. (Image: GETTY)

King Charles and Prince Harry.

The couple are reportedly in negotiations with the Palace. (Image: GETTY)

Prince Harry's Coronation 'request' questioned as Duke missed Archie's birthday last year

Royal fans have taken to Twitter to point out Prince Harry wasn't at home for the whole day when Prince Archie Harrison turned three in May 2022.

This comes after it was claimed the Duke and Duchess of Sussex have asked for the fourth birthday of their son, which falls on the day of King Charles's Coronation, to be acknowledged in some way before they decide whether to attend the historic event.

"With less than two months until the King’s Coronation, speculation about the Sussexes’ appearance has so far overshadowed all other build-up," said Jeff Richey, TV analyst at

He continued: "While the ‘will they, won’t they’ drama is another intriguing chapter in Harry and Meghan’s life outside the firm, it’s clear that the couple have a real Marmite factor for UK viewers.

"This latest research shows that even some dedicated royal watchers will be reaching for the remote if the duke and duchess appear on their screens."

The Sussexes are said to be in negotiations with the Palace over their role in the event. Meghan and Harry are believed to want an acknowledgment of their son Prince Archie's birthday - which is also on May 6. Prince Archie and Princess Lilibet were not invited to the Coronation.

READ MORE: Prince Harry likely 'in the clear' over US visa says royal expert

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry.

Meghan and Harry are said to want a spot on the royal balcony. (Image: GETTY)

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.

One fifth of Brits said they were less likely to watch the Coronation if Meghan and Harry attend. (Image: GETTY)

Another sticking point is believed to be the Sussexes' appearance on the Buckingham Palace balcony. The balcony is reserved for working royals, meaning Prince Andrew, Harry and Meghan would be excluded.

But the Duke and Duchess are said to want to join the rest of the family and it is unclear how this would work.

The event taking place on May 6 will be attended by around 2000 guests, including dignitaries, royals and heads of state from around the globe. The once-in-a-generation event will mark the reign of King Charles III and his position as head of the Church of England.

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