Meghan and Harry suffer Netflix setback as Hollywood elite 'distance themselves'

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry's new documentary series is likely to give some of their neighbours - the Hollywood elite - second thoughts about the couple, a royal expert told

By Matthew Dooley, Assistant News Editor

Meghan Markle curtsies in Suits episode

and new show will force the "Hollywood elite" who value their privacy to "distance themselves" from the couple, according to a commentator.

Kinsey Schofield told that the show was intended to influence an American audience, which it might, however, it's likely to push away any high-profile peers.

"Obviously the series is crafted to sway an American audience - which it could. Not all Americans will be privy to their dishonesty and the history," Ms Schofield began.

The ToDiFor Daily founder added: "But overall, I think a product like this will make the Hollywood elite continue to distance themselves. Beyoncé doesn't want you reading out private text messages on your reality show. Beyoncé, the Obamas, they value their privacy."

During the show, the Sussexes revealed texts from Meghan's estranged father Thomas Markle.

Meghan Markle Prince Harry.

Meghan and Harry's Netflix show could push away the 'Hollywood elite'. (Image: GETTY)

Meghan and Harry dancing.

Many other celebrities 'value their privacy', according to Ms Schofield. (Image: Netflix)

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Lizzie Cundy joined TalkTV hosts James Whale and Ash Gould as she spoke about Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's latest Netflix documentary. Lizzie opened up about what she knows about their relationship and claimed they would eventually get divorced.

Why does she think that will happen? Find out HERE.

The docuseries also contains a scene during which Prince Harry purports to have received a text from his brother, Prince William.

Harry shows his phone screen to Meghan who replies: "Wow, H just got a text from his brother!"

Prince Harry appears unsettled by the text, he says: "I wish I knew what to do."

Meghan responds: "I know. Let's take a breather. Get some air and then decide."

Ms Schofield said that the show was "six hours of deflection", claiming the Sussexes accused others of "doing exactly what they are guilty of" when it came to painting people in a bad light.

READ MORE: King Charles's 'tactical' response to Sussexes criticism

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry,

Meghan and Harry shared Meghan's father's, Thomas Markle, texts in their Netflix series. (Image: Netflix)

Prince Harry and Meghan dancing.

The series details the Sussexes relationship and marriage. (Image: Netflix)

However, that could end up damaging the Sussexes' reputation more than the Firms, according to Ms Schofield.

"I think that the royal family will survive this reality show. Ultimately, it is not a positive reflection on Harry and Meghan. They look like they are in constant conflict," she said of the show.

Harry & Meghan was released on Netflix in two parts, each time three episodes of a six part series, on December 8 and 15.

The show has sparked huge debate among royal watchers and in the media. So far, there has been no official response from the Palace following the release, however there have been reports that King Charles III will officially invite Harry and Meghan to his coronation next year.

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