'No thought given to Queen!' Health fears soar as monarch faces gruelling 800-mile trip

THE QUEEN may be asked to return 800 miles from Scotland to meet the new Tory leader, reigniting health fears as the 96-year-old Monarch is forced to travel.

By Matthew Dooley, Assistant News Editor

Royals: Queen's mobility issues discussed on GB News

Influential Conservative Sir Graham Brady has said that a new party leader would be announced on September 5. However, the Queen is expected to be at her Scottish residence in Balmoral at that time.

Once the Tory leader is elected, he or she will be expected to go and meet the Queen for the "kissing hands" - an audience during which Her Majesty will ask the leader to form a Government.

After this audience, the leader will head straight to Downing Street to complete the process.

Although the new leader could travel to Balmoral, it is likely that the Queen would be required to travel 800 miles to Buckingham Palace or Windsor to arrange the meeting.


News that the Queen may have to travel 800 miles has sparked health concerns. (Image: GETTY)

Balmoral Castle.

The Queen will likely be at her residence in Balmoral when the new Tory leader is chosen. (Image: GETTY)

The news that the Queen might be required to travel so far and so often has sparked health fears for the 96-year-old monarch, who has recently suffered from mobility issues.

One source told the Daily Mail: "There seems to have been no thought given to the Queen's circumstances. Do the politicians seriously expect a 96-year-old woman to make an 800-mile round-trip for a 10‑minute audience?"

Further complicating the issue, departing Prime Minister Boris Johnson and his wife Carrie are expected at Balmoral on September 3 and 4, just before the new leader will be announced.

The Queen usually travels to her residence in Scotland during her summer holiday period.

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Queen Elizabeth II

The Queen has appeared recently looking healthy. (Image: GETTY)

Normally, a Prime Minister's resignation would be accepted at Buckingham Palace, however it is thought the PM will travel to Scotland due to Her Majesty's mobility issues.

Ongoing health fears about the Queen's mobility issues flared again recently following a string of absences at her Platinum Jubilee as well as her notable absence from the Royal Ascot.

However, since these absences Her Majesty has made several public appearances looking radiant and often seen moving without a walking stick.

Just yesterday, she appeared beaming and wearing a floral dress to award the George Cross to the NHS to show the nation's "thanks and appreciation" for the health service.

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