‘Little brat taught me how to cook!’ Prince Harry’s masterclass to royal chef exposed

PRINCE HARRY once gave the official Royal chef a masterclass in how to prepare the perfect breakfast food.

By Tara Fair, News Editor

Prince William's tribute to Diana on Charlotte's special day

Chef Darren McGrady was the personal chef to the Queen, Diana, Princess of Wales, and Princes William and Harry for fifteen years. The world-class chef spent years honing his culinary skills, including two years at the prestigious Savoy Hotel in London, before being inspired by the Royal wedding of Charles and Diana and writing to the Palace in search of a job. After years of worldly experience, Mr McGrady was stunned to be given a cooking masterclass by a primary school-aged Prince Harry.

Mr McGrady, speaking in an exclusive interview on behalf of UK coffee retailer Coffee Friend, told Express.co.uk: “I remember Prince Harry teaching me to cook crispy bacon, the little brat.

“I remember they came back from Disney in the US.

“And over here, I live in Dallas, Texas, we have that crispy snap bacon.

“He was about eight or nine and he came in in the morning and he was in his dressing gown, he looked so cute, and he asked ‘can I have bacon please? Can I have bacon and scrambled eggs?’

‘Little brat taught me how to cook!’ Prince Harry’s masterclass to royal chef exposed

‘Little brat taught me how to cook!’ Prince Harry’s masterclass to royal chef exposed (Image: GETTY)

Princess Diana and Princes William and Harry in Disney World

Princess Diana and Princes William and Harry in Disney World (Image: GETTY)

“And I said absolutely, yeah. So I started right away.

“And he said ‘can I have crispy bacon? In America we had crispy bacon. It was so good. And what you do is once you've cooked it, you put it on some paper towel in the microwave and it goes really crispy.

“And I said ‘get out!'

“He was shooting out of the kitchen and when he had gone I tried it and it came out really crispy.

“I thought ‘you brat, you taught me how to cook!’”

In an ABC special, Princess Diana’s former bodyguard, Ken Wharfe, revealed it was not just bacon that the Princes’ enjoyed for breakfast on their holiday to Disney World.

In the morning, the Royal family were treated to a “spectacular” American-style breakfast.

The resort breakfast included fruit, bacon, scrambled eggs, and more.

But the young boys were baffled by some of the Mickey Mouse-shaped options on offer.

Chef Darren McGrady attends BritWeek's 10th Anniversary VIP Reception & Gala, 2016

Chef Darren McGrady attends BritWeek's 10th Anniversary VIP Reception & Gala, 2016 (Image: GETTY)

Thorpe Park

Princess Diana taking Princes William and Harry to Thorpe Park, England (Image: GETTY)

Recalling the holiday, Mr Wharf said: “I remember William saying, ‘what are those?’

“And Diana said, ‘they’re waffles. Don’t tell your father about it.”

Royal chef Mr McGrady revealed Diana liked to spoil her children and would take them out for fast food as a treat.

“They weren’t fussy eaters at all!” he added.

The chef served Diana and her children for four years until her tragic accident in 1997.

After fifteen years serving the Royal Family - and declining an offer to be the private chef of Prince Charles - Mr McGrady moved away from the palace and now owns a fine dining catering company and personal chef service in Dallas, Texas.

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