Kate Middleton sends fans into frenzy over new Lake District pictures - 'In her element!'

KATE, Duchess of Cambridge, has sent royal fans into a frenzy after sharing a breathtaking picture from the Lake District.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

Kate Middleton takes time out in the summer to spend with kids

Kate shared an image on the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge's official Twitter account. The snap showed the Duchess walking with a group of people in Cumbria, as she spent the day in the Lake District.

With the visit ongoing, Kate's Twitter account shared how excited the Duchess was to spend the day in the beautiful area.

The photo caption read: "Looking forward to a day spent outdoors in this beautiful landscape!"

News the Duchess was carrying out engagements immersed in nature deeply amused royal fans.

Royal watcher Kayla Adams tweeted: "So looking forward to following this engagement! Thank you for the prompt update."

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Kate is carrying out engagements in the Lake District today (Image: Andy Stenning/Reach)

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Kensington Palace's tweet announcing Kate was in the Lake District (Image: DUKE AND DUCHESS OF CAMBRIDGE/TWITTER)

And Rhea Mathew commented the picture saying: "Fresh air!!! I love seeing the Duchess in her element - the outdoors!!!"

Twitter user Ryan Carter also said: "Beautiful. Enjoy your day."

In Cumbria, Kate undertook engagements aiming to further promote her belief that spending time outdoors can boost the mental and physical wellbeing of both children and adults.

Among those the Duchess met were Holocaust survivors Ike Alterman and Arek Hersh.

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kate middleton lake district mountain bike

Kate had a go at mountain biking (Image: Andy Stenning/Reach )

The pair were flown to the Lake District following World War 2 after they managed to escape Nazi camps.

They were part of the 300-strong 'Windermere Children' group, which arrived in Cumbria in 1945.

In the Lake District, the survivors started their new lives as refugees and recovered from the horrors of the conflict and persecution.

Poignantly, Kate took a boat trip across Lake Windermere with Ike and Arek to hear more about their story and recovery.


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Kate discussed with young people the benefit of spending time outdoors (Image: Andy Stenning/Reach )

Kate middleton smiling

Kate strongly believes spending time outdoor can boost mental and physical wellbeing (Image: Andy Stenning/Reach )

The Duchess also met relatives of survivors to hear how their loved ones' time in Cumbria helped them to go on and build successful lives in the UK.

During her visit, Kate also had a go at mountain biking with a group of RAF Air Cadets, of whom she is Honorary Air Commandant, and tried abseiling.

The Duchess proved to be particularly brave as she descended the rocky drop, as reported by 13-year-old Itelouwa Odipe.

Recalling the conversation he had with Kate before she tried abseiling, he said: "She was about to abseil and I was next in line so she asked me if I wanted to go before her.

kate middleton latest news lake district picture

Kate joined the Royal Family in 2011 (Image: EXPRESS)

"I was a bit scared so I said no.

"She said if I did she would meet me down there."

After her successful attempt, the teen met again the Duchess, who enthused about the activity.

He said: "She said it was really good and I should try it.

Kate middleton smiling

Kate is the Honorary Air Commandant of the RAF Air Cadets (Image: Andy Stenning/Reach )

"I think she was very kind. Even though she is a royal highness she still does things normal humans do."

Kate, who has focused much of her royal work on mental health and eliminating the stigma surrounding it, also heard from the air cadets about their outdoor activities and the impact the pandemic has had on their mental wellbeing.

After hearing from 15-year-old Josh Binnie he had used a glider and had not felt travel sick, Kate joked: "You're made of tougher stuff than me".

The air cadet from the Kendal squadron said: "She was very nice, a lot less formal than I expected."

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