Meghan Markle High Court ruling 'creates a concerning precedent' warns expert

THE High Court ruling following Meghan Markle's bid to protect the anonymity of her five friends "creates a concerning precedent", a media litigation expert has warned.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

Meghan Markle had concerns about 'trust' claims expert

Meghan succeeded in protecting the identity and privacy of the five close friends who spoke anonymously to People magazine in early 2019 to defend her from media reports she addressed as "bullying". Mr Justice Warby ruled this morning that, "for the time being at least", their identities will remain anonymous in reports of the legal case between Meghan and Associated Newspapers. 

He said: "I have concluded that for the time being at least the Court should grant the claimant the orders she seeks, the effect of which will be to confer protection on the sources' identities".

The decision has been branded "disappointing" by media law expert Matthew Dando.

Mr Dando, partner at media, technology and IP law firm Wiggin, said: “This is a disappointing decision which prefers secrecy over openness and creates a concerning precedent.

“The Duchess’ friends are important potential witnesses on a key issue in the case. 

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Meghan Markle succeeded in protecting the identity and privacy of her five close friends in court (Image: GETTY)

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Meghan Markle joined the Royal Family in May 2018 (Image: GETTY)

"The Duchess chose to bring the claim and herself disclosed the identity of her friends who had spoken to the media.

"That she has prevented Associated Newspapers from revealing the identities of those friends undermines the principle of open justice, hinders its ability to report on the case and the ability of the public to follow it.

“The decision is all the more surprising because, in what some may see as a case of double standards, the Duchess released copies of her own evidence to the national media whilst stopping Associated Newspapers from reporting details of potentially important witnesses." 

READ MORE: Meghan Markle WINS court battle to protect friends 

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Meghan Markle is suing Associated Newspapers (Image: GETTY)

After the ruling, a source close to Meghan said: "The Duchess felt it was necessary to take this step to try and protect her friends—as any of us would—and we’re glad this was clear.

"We are happy that the Judge has agreed to protect these five individuals."

The identity of Meghan's friends has been revealed by the Duchess herself in legal documents filed on June 30, when Associated Newspapers requested more information about her lawsuit.


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Meghan Markle's friends defended the Duchess on the pages of People magazine (Image: GETTY)

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Extracts from Meghan Markle's letter to her father were published by the Mail on Sunday last year (Image: GETTY)

Last week, during a preliminary hearing, the lawyer representing Associated Newspaper argued in favour of naming these anonymous friends.

Antony White QC said in a written statement to the court: "The friends are important potential witnesses on a key issue.

"Reporting these matters without referring to names would be a heavy curtailment of the media's and the defendant's entitlement to report this case and the public's right to know about it.

"No friend's oral evidence could be fully and properly reported because full reporting might identify her, especially as there has already been media speculation as to their identities."   

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Meghan Markle and Prince Harry now live in California (Image: EXPRESS)

Moreover, Mr White said keeping the identities of these five people a secret would prevent Associated Newspapers from publishing their names but would not stop Meghan from revealing their identities outside of court to any other publication.

Meghan herself defended in a strongly-worded statement issued in early July her appeal to the court to keep her friends' identities a secret.

She said: "Associated Newspapers, the owner of The Daily Mail and the Mail on Sunday, is threatening to publish the names of five women - five private citizens - who made a choice on their own to speak anonymously with a US media outlet more than a year ago, to defend me from the bullying behaviour of Britain's tabloid media.

"These five women are not on trial, and nor am I.

"The publisher of the Mail on Sunday is the one on trial.

"It is this publisher that acted unlawfully and is attempting to evade accountability; to create a circus and distract from the point of this case - that the Mail on Sunday unlawfully published my private letter.

"Each of these women is a private citizen, young mother, and each has a basic right to privacy. 

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Meghan Markle and Prince Harry have stepped down as senior royals (Image: GETTY)

"Both the Mail on Sunday and the court system have their names on a confidential schedule, but for the Mail on Sunday to expose them in the public domain for no reason other than clickbait and commercial gain is vicious and poses a threat to their emotional and mental wellbeing."

Similarly, the lawyer representing her said it would mark a "cruel irony" if the Duchess were required to give up the anonymity of her friends to pursue her own legal case.

Meghan is suing Associated Newspapers, publisher of the Mail on Sunday, MailOnline and Daily Mail, for misuse of private information, copyright infringement and breach of the Data Protection Act after it released on its publications extracts of a private letter the Duchess wrote to her father in August 2018.

Associated Newspapers wholly denies these allegations.

It also claims Meghan's friends were the first to bring up the private letter written by Duchess in the US magazine article.   

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