BREXIT RACE: Parliament still to scrutinise almost half of the EU withdrawal legislation

PARLIAMENT is facing a logjam that could threaten the Prime Minister's position, as MPs are still blind to almost half of the legislation concerning the withdrawal from the EU and Remainers are planning to vote for amendments that could thwart Brexit.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

Remain protester targets House of Lords to overturn Brexit

Analysis conducted by the Labour party found 44 percent of the EU withdrawal bill still has to be introduced by ministers.

This means MPs, who have returned to the House of Commons on Monday after the Easter recess for their 123rd sitting since the general election, are currently risking not being able to scrutinise every single piece of the Brexit legislation.

Prime Minister Theresa May has promised parliament will ratify the deal agreed between the British negotiators and the EU before it passes to the European parliament and the other 27 state members.

But MPs will only gather for another 80 days before it is expected to be struck. 

Take back control didn’t mean running away from parliament

Jenny Chapman, shadow Brexit minister

Jenny Chapman, the shadow Brexit minister, warned there was a “real danger” MPs would be asked to vote on the final Brexit deal without having scrutinised crucial legislation on key topics including fisheries, immigration and the withdrawal and implementation bills. 

She said: “Take back control didn’t mean running away from parliament.

“It’s frankly embarrassing that, more than 10 months since the general election, the Government hasn’t passed a single piece of Brexit legislation.

“Ministers have delayed crucial votes and failed to introduce vital bills.” 

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Brexit news: Almost half of the legislation concerning Brexit still has to be seen by MPs

Following last June’s general election, which saw Mrs May lose her majority, the Government has passed four bills.

The 2010 coalition had passed twice as many laws at this stage of the parliament. 

As Mrs May needs the support of both the DUP and all her Tories, pieces of legislation are being delayed to not stir rebellions among the Remain-backing Conservatives.

On top of that, the House of Lords is debating this week the EU withdrawal bill and may yet inflict another defeat on the Government by passing an amendment to keep the UK in a customs arrangement with the bloc. 

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Brexit news: The House of Lords is debating this week the EU withdrawal bill

Some Conservative MPs in favour of a soft Brexit, and Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, already announced they will support amendments that could force the PM to put Britain’s membership of a customs union back on the table.

A Government spokesperson said: “Brexit is an issue of national importance and clearly it is important that parliament is given the proper opportunity to scrutinise the legislation that will underpin it.

“We are making good progress and we are confident that we can pass the necessary legislation in good time.

“For example, the EU withdrawal bill has already moved through the Commons and is now at report stage in the Lords while the nuclear safeguards bill and sanctions and anti-money laundering bill have made good progress through both Houses.”  

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