Brexit news: Remain-backing Lords out to thwart Brexit once again

THE unelected Remain-backing House of Lords will attempt to thwart Brexit this week by voting to remain in the EU customs union while debating the EU withdrawal bill.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

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A majority of more than 50 peers is expected to vote in support of an amendment calling for the Government to negotiate to remain within the tariff union.

The clause, which was sponsored by Chris Patten, a former Conservative chairman, wants the “United Kingdom to continue participating in a customs union with the EU”.

Baroness Smith, Labour leader in the Lords, said: “This bill offers an opportunity for the Government to take a pragmatic view of how best to protect the rights of UK citizens, rather than be distracted by the ideological pursuits of some on the Commons backbenches.”

John Kerr, the former head of the Foreign Office who also proposed the amendment, said: “This seems to me to be modest and sensible.

“It makes a huge difference for our manufacturing industry and it is also a necessary — but not sufficient — part of the solution to the Irish conundrum.” 

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The House of Lords is voting on debating the EU withdrawal bill this week

This bill offers an opportunity for the Government to take a pragmatic view of how best to protect the rights of UK citizens, rather than be distracted by the ideological pursuits of some on the Commons backbenches

Baroness Smith, Labour leader in the Lords

Those backing the amendment believe that remaining subjected to the tariff regime imposed by the EU would help remove the need for a hard border between the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland.

The customs union allows goods to move freely within the bloc without customs checks.

This Remain-backing victory would deal a major blow to the Government, as Prime Minister Theresa May will have to try to reverse it in the House of Commons.

This could be difficult as Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn recently reversed his party’s position and decided to back remaining within the tariff union. 

The amendment is likely to backed by the Scottish National Party, the Lib-Dem and remain-backing Tories. 

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Baroness Smith, Labour leader in the Lords

One former Whitehall official said a Government defeat on the issue would “be a huge development because it would mean the UK was finally moving towards a rational assessment of the costs and benefits of Brexit”, the Financial Times reported.

This is one of many attempts made by the Lords to undermine the integrity of Brexit.

In February former Tory minister Viscount Hailsham triggered anger among Brexiteers when he said he would do all he could to “frustrate” Government policy.

He called some of the changes that would come with Brexit “deeply prejudicial to our national interests” and added: “I believe that from time to time one has to put one’s assessment of the national interest before any other consideration, most particularly before one’s assessment of one’s party interests.”

The discussion in the Commons is likely to come after the London local elections taking place on May 3.  

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