Labour's 'atrocious' record in is a Wales stark warning to rest of UK, Welsh Tories warn

The Tories have taken aim at the quality of life in Labour-run Wales.

By Steph Spyro, Environment Editor and Senior Political Correspondent , Christian Calgie, Senior Political Correspondent

Senior Labour Leaders Visit Holyhead With Newly-elected Welsh First Minister

Sir Keir Starmer visits Holyhead with Welsh First Minister (Image: Getty)

The Labour Party is “hellbent” on jamming the UK into first gear, the Welsh Tories have warned.

They said Labour’s “atrocious” record in Wales stands as a stark warning to the rest of the UK.

Welsh Secretary David TC Davies said: “Last month marked 25 years since the Labour Welsh Government came into existence and what have we seen?

“We have a ban on any new roads from being built ever again, a plan to force farmers to forfeit 20 percent of their land for tree planting and other schemes, a 20mph blanket speed limit which will hit the economy by billions, health boards and childcare being cut to fund the creation of 36 extra politicians in the Welsh Parliament, 20,000-plus Welsh people are stuck on an NHS waiting list for two years or more, and on and on the list of vanity projects go.

“It’s crucial that everyone knows this because Sir Keir Starmer is on record, boasting the Welsh Government offers him a ‘blueprint’ - his words, not mine - to what he’ll do to the rest of the United Kingdom.

“Labour is hellbent on jamming the whole of the United Kingdom in first gear.”

In 2022, Labour leader Sir Keir said the Welsh Labour government was the "blueprint for what Labour could do in government across the UK".

Sir Keir said he was “proud” of Labour’s record in Wales on Thursday, where the party has been in power since devolution in 1999.

At a campaign rally in Abergavenny on Thursday, Sir Keir thanked Welsh First Minister Vaughan Gething for his “leadership” and said he was “looking forward to a new partnership” with the First Minister if Labour took over in Westminster.

Welsh First Minister Vaughan Gething is set to face a motion of no confidence, tabled by the Welsh Tories, on Wednesday. Mr Gething has only been in post since March. He has faced questions over a controversial £200,000 donation to his leadership campaign from a man convicted of environmental offences.

He has also sacked a minister in his government, Hannah Blythyn, for allegedly leaking them to the media - allegations she denies.

Darren Millar MS, Welsh Conservative Shadow Minister for the Constitution and Welsh Conservative candidate for Clwyd North, said: “Labour’s atrocious record in power here in Wales stands as a stark warning to the rest of the UK, after 25 years they have proven comprehensively that they have the wrong priorities.

“The Labour Welsh Government would much rather spend taxpayers’ cash creating 20mph zones and more politicians, when what Wales needs is more doctors and nurses to bear down on the longest NHS waiting lists in the UK.”

Education and the health service are devolved matters, controlled by the Labour government in Wales rather than the Conservative government in Westminster, but providing more money for services in England would automatically mean providing more money for devolved services in Wales.

A Labour source said: “This is a pathetic attempt to distract people from the abysmal Conservative record over the last 14 years.
“If elected, Labour will serve the interests of the whole of our United Kingdom. The biggest risk to the NHS, the economy or education is another five years of the Tories.”

By Andrew RT Davies, Leader of the Welsh Conservatives

Keir Starmer has been very reluctant to put forward policies ahead of the General Election, because he doesn’t want to upset the apple cart.

As a result, many voters do not know exactly what Labour would do if they win power next month. But Labour has been in power in Wales for over 25 years. 

They have made Wales their testbed for the sorts of policies they will bring in if they form the next UK Government. Indeed, Keir Starmer himself has described Wales as his “blueprint” for power.

So if we look at Wales, we can get a good idea of the policies they would bring in.

While NHS waiting lists in Wales are hitting record levels, Labour are diverting cash from our health service in order to fund their vanity projects. 

The chief among these bonkers vanity projects is the 20mph speed limit. It has been met with huge public opposition, including via the most signed petition to the Senedd ever. 

Labour push on with the policy regardless, along with their freeze on all new road building, leaving commuters, families and businesses with a crumbling road network.

Another vanity project that will suck tens of millions of pounds away from our public services is their plan, already in motion, to increase the number of politicians in Cardiff Bay by 60%. 

Wales doesn’t need more politicians or more devolved powers, it needs more doctors, nurses and teachers. But Labour have the wrong priorities.

At a time when the Conservative Government is working hard to stop the boats and break the business model of the people smugglers, Labour in Wales wants to pay illegal migrants £1,600 a month. 

They have zero credibility on immigration, legal and illegal.

Welsh Labour want to bring Nicola Sturgeon’s dangerous Gender Recognition Bill to Wales. 

The situation in Scotland, in which the male rapist Isla Bryson was sent to a women’s prison, outraged the public. 

Welsh Labour want powers over police and criminal justice to be devolved to the Senedd. Given these extreme policies, it is obvious how much of a disaster that would be.

So while Keir Starmer may be light on the detail of what a Labour government in Westminster do, all voters need to do is look at Wales, Starmer’s blueprint, to see the sorts of bonkers and damaging policies he would inflict if he gets the keys to Number 10 next month.

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