POLL: Should the Government provide more cost of living support?

Chancellor Jeremy Hunt has said the Government will "stick to its guns" and not intervene, but is this the right decision? Vote below.

By Natalie Crookham, Engagement Editor

Jeremy Hunt discusses tackling problems with inflation

Britons are continuing to as households face rising food and energy bills. Despite forecasts that the rate of inflation would fall the Office for National Statistics announced on Wednesday that it .

The  has also announced an , up 0.5 percent from 4.5 percent, which is the 13th increase in a row, adding more pressure on mortgage holders.

Chancellor said that the Government will not intervene to offer more support. He said on Wednesday: “Today’s figures strengthen the case for the Government to stick to its guns. No matter what the pressure from left, right or centre, we won’t be pushed off course.”

He added: “Because if we are going to help families, if we are going to relieve the pressure on people with mortgages, on businesses, we need to squeeze every last drop of high inflation out of the economy.”

READ MORE: Bank of England urged to 'create recession' to end inflation nightmare

Jeremy Hunt

POLL: Should the Government provide more cost of living support? (Image: Chris J. Ratcliffe/Bloomberg/Getty)

A survey conducted earlier this year showed that nearly 40 percent of people have no money left at the end of the month, while 24 percent run out of money for essentials most months or days.

The research was carried out by the Together Through This Crisis initiative, which is made up of charities Save the Children, Shelter, Turn2us, Little Village and 38 Degrees.

Matthew McGregor, the chief executive of 38 Degrees, said: “This polling paints a bleak picture of the crisis unfolding across the country: families running out of money to put food on the table and keep kids warm is rapidly becoming our new normal.”

So what do YOU think? Should the Government provide more cost of living support? Vote in our poll and leave your thoughts in the comment section below.

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