Overwhelming support emerges for the protection of single-sex spaces

Express.co.uk readers have voted overwhelmingly in favour of single-sex spaces being reserved for biologically female women, backing a cross-party campaign to protect women's rights.

By Natalie Crookham, Engagement Editor

Daniel Radcliffe says people should ‘trust trans kids to tell us who they are’

MPs have united across the political divide to rally the country to come together to protect women's rights. ’s Rosie Duffield and ’s Miriam Cates have and the right for a woman to be called a woman. And now, a has shown 97 percent of readers support single-sex spaces being reserved for biologically female women.

Female toilets sign

Some 97 percent of readers support single-sex spaces being reserved for biologically female women (Image: Getty)

Last week, the pair and said: “Women’s rights must be protected at all costs and we have united across the political divide to make sure they are not wiped out by stealth because people are too afraid to speak out.

“This is not a party political issue, it’s about protecting the dignity of women and girls by maintaining single-sex spaces, women’s sport and female-only services, such as refuges and rape crisis centres.

“For too long, women have been told to shut up about this issue by a small group of extremist activists. This is not about being anti-trans, it’s about making sure one person’s interests do not override another’s. It doesn’t matter what your politics are, we appeal for the country to come together to protect women’s rights.”

READ MORE: Tory and Labour MPs unite to stand up for women in toxic gender debate

In response, from 7pm on Wednesday, April 19, to 1pm on Monday, April 24, asking readers: “Should single-sex spaces be reserved for biologically female women?”

Overall, 10,753 votes were cast, with the overwhelming majority, 97 percent (10,429 people) answering “yes” they should, compared with three percent (285 people) who said “no”. Just 39 people said they did not know.

Hundreds of comments were left below the accompanying article as .

Rosie Duffield and Miriam Cates

Rosie Duffield and Miriam Cates have come together to protect women's rights (Image: Humphrey Nemar/Daily Express)

The majority of readers were in favour of single-sex spaces being reserved for biologically female women, with username JL77 writing: “Absolutely, yes yes yes.”

Likewise, username Mr Chairman said: “Yes they should, without question, no discussion or debate required.”

Another username Midget12 said: “Yes, women should have their own toilets. I don’t like using loos even with male cleaners. While some people think it’s fine to have ‘gender-neutral loos’ some women will be left feeling that their rights have been compromised.”

Username Dogglebird added: “This is not exclusively a women's issue. I'm all for single-sex spaces, but that applies to men and boys as much as to women and girls.”

Meanwhile, username Metaphysical said: “Either you make the types of toilets (men, women, gender neutral) or you make all toilets gender neutral.”

Writing for the , Debbie Hayton, a teacher and journalist who transitioned in 2012, said that trans people should be respected for who they are “and we can live our lives perfectly well without demanding the rights of other people”.

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