Voter ID laws risk ‘deterring’ voters at local elections – YOUR VERDICT

The majority of readers think that the introduction of voter ID at polling stations will negatively affect turnout at the local elections next month.

By Natalie Crookham, Engagement Editor

Ruth Davidson swears about voter ID proposals in May

At the on May 4, voters in England will be required to show photo identification. It will be the first implementation of the Elections Act 2022 which aims to reduce voter fraud. However, a has shown over half of readers think the measures will reduce voter turnout.

Voter carrying passport and polling card

Over half of readers think voter ID laws will reduce turnout (Image: PA)

Voters will be required to show polling clerks photo ID including a , , over 60s bus pass and a disabled driver's blue badge.

Voter ID will be required at all general, local, police and crime commissioner elections and referendums. has had voter ID laws in place since 2007 and it will be a requirement in Scotland and at the next general election, after October 2023.

Former Secretary has warned that the policy risks having a “more deleterious effect” on voting. He told The Mirror: “I opposed it [Voter ID] when it was proposed. It seems to me it is trying to solve a problem that's not really there.”

He continued: “The only direction it can move it [turnout] in is down. If people turn up and they either haven't got an ID with them or they don't own an ID at all — in both circumstances it will reduce the likelihood of them voting.”

READ MORE: Election ID laws to come into play despite low voter fraud

In response, from 9.30am on Friday, April 14, to 3.30pm on Wednesday, April 19, asking readers: “Do you think voter ID will ‘reduce turnout’ at local elections?”

A total of 1,288 readers responded, with 51 percent (660 people) answering “yes” voter ID will reduce turnout, compared to 47 percent (610 people) who said “no” it will not. Just one percent (18 people) said they did not know either way.

Hundreds of comments were left below the accompanying article as .

Polling clerks

Polling clerks will be required to check voters have correct photo ID before issuing a ballot paper (Image: Getty)

Queues outside polling station

Some readers thought voter id would cause queues outside polling stations (Image: Getty)

Some readers argued that the need to show ID at the polling station will reduce turnout, with username Grumpy2 commenting: “I think this will cause massive queues at the polling stations, deterring people from voting.”

Another, Username planterspunch said: “Of course having to produce valid identity documents when voting will reduce the number of people voting.”

Whereas other readers thought that the new laws would not impact turnout, as username StopIt said: “No. Why would it?”

And username Better Days Ahead added: “'s voters have had to produce photographic evidence to be able to vote for years. It is no big hassle and has little or no effect on voter turnout. It is an eminently sensible policy in today’s society.”

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