Britons slam civil service as ‘riddled with Remainers’ trying to wreck Brexit

CIVIL SERVANTS are trying to thwart Brexit according to readers who gave their verdict in a new poll.

By Natalie Crookham, Engagement Editor

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Attorney General Suella Braverman – who has said she wants to be the next Prime Minister – blasted some civil servants for having a “Remain bias”. She insisted that while many civil servants are “brilliant”, others are resisting post-Brexit reforms as they cannot “conceive of the possibility of life outside the EU”.

While the Brexit-backing official insisted many civil servants are "brilliant", she said others are unable to "conceive of the possibility of life outside of the EU".

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She added that some of the “biggest battles” she has faced in Government have been with civil servants rather than in the House of Commons.

Speaking to the Daily Telegraph, Ms Braverman said: "I’ve learnt, not only during my time as Attorney but also during my time as a Brexit minister…Some of the biggest battles you face as a minister are, in the nicest possible way, with Whitehall and internally with civil servants, as opposed to your political battles in the chamber.

“There are thousands of civil servants. In large part, they are brilliant. They work really hard.

“I’m supported, in particular, by a team of brilliant lawyers and officials... Don’t take this as an opportunity to bash the Civil Service. But what I have seen, time and time again, [is] that there is a Remain bias.

“I’ll say it. I have seen resistance to some of the measures that ministers have wanted to bring forward. Because there’s an inability to conceive of the possibility of life outside of the EU.”

As a result, asked readers whether they thought officials were attempting to wreck Brexit.

Whitehall and Suella Braverman

Britons slam civil service as ‘riddled with Remainers’ trying to wreck Brexit (Image: Getty)

In a poll that ran from 2pm on Sunday, July 3, to 10am on Friday, July 8, asked: “Are civil servants trying to wreck Brexit?”

A total of 10,037 people cast their votes with the overwhelming majority, 96 percent (9,583 people), answering “yes”, civil servants are trying to wreck Brexit.

However, four percent (426 people), said “no” they are not, while just 28 people said they did not know either way.

Thousands of comments were left below the accompanying article as readers shared their thoughts on civil servants’ involvement in Brexit.

Suella Braverman

Suella Braverman said some civil servants have a ‘Remain bias’ (Image: Getty)

Many argued that civil servants were working against Brexit, with one reader, username SirWalterRaleigh, commenting: “Without a glimmer of doubt, yes.”

Another reader, username nemesis200323 said: “Yes, the civil service is riddled with Remainers who are doing everything they can to make us suffer.”

Others agreed that civil servants attempting to thwart Brexit should resign or be sacked.

Username Impi said: “Just fire them, end of. Any feet-dragging because of Brexit regret... formal warning, then gone.”

Username Steve W said: “Any Civil Servant who attempts to frustrate the will of the elected Government should be summarily dismissed.”

While username MI7 said: “Those civil servants who can't bring themselves to accept the democratic decision of the people should do the honourable thing and resign.”

Username UrsulaHainsworth wrote: “The civil servants have done nothing but try and overturn Brexit.”

And username peter mendes said: “The civil service is supposed to be apolitical, but the people who are civil servants aren't.”

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Brexit timeline

Lord Frost said the civil service still 'regrets' the UK’s departure from the EU six years on (Image: EXPRESS.CO.UK)

Ms Braverman’s comments come after former Brexit Minister Lord Frost said the civil service still “regrets” the UK’s departure from the EU six years on.

He told GB News last month: “I think it's still there, it's definitely been weakened since 2016, people have got used to the idea.

“I think what people are finding hard now in the Government and in the civil service is, having to be in charge, when we were in the EU, you didn't have to think.

“Now, all of a sudden, our destiny is in their own hands, and they're hesitating a little bit, that's probably underlining some of the issues we've got at the moment.”

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