Brexit POLL: Should UK listen to Sadiq Khan and push to rejoin EU single market?

BRITAIN should rejoin the EU single market according to London Mayor Sadiq Khan, declaring Brexit the "biggest piece of self-inflicted harm ever done to a country". Do you agree? Vote in our poll.

By Natalie Crookham, Engagement Editor

Nick Ferrari clashes with caller over re-entering single market

The Mayor of London made his case after reports revealed that the EU has dealt a multi-million-pound blow to UK trade. His comments also came after the Government won a Commons vote on the Northern Ireland Bill, authorising a second reading on legislation to alter the Brexit deal concerning Northern Ireland.


When asked at the State of London debate on Tuesday, June 28, if the Labour Party should nationally be pushing to rejoin the single market, he said: “I don’t speak for the national Labour Party. But I believe we should…spot on.”

READ MORE: Brexit LIVE: Sadiq Khan's horror plot EXPOSED as mayor admits masterplan to rejoin EU

He then described the decision to leave the bloc as “the biggest piece of self-inflicted harm ever done to a country – leaving the European Union.”

Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer has dismissed a return to the single market and said his party is not nationally advocating to rejoin.

However, ministers are looking to portray the Labour and the Liberal Democrats as seeking to reverse Brexit.

Sadiq Khan and Ursula von der Leyen

Should UK listen to Sadiq Khan and push to rejoin EU single market? (Image: Getty)

Tory minister Tobias Ellwood recently shared a similar view and suggested the UK should rejoin the EU single market to ease the cost-of-living crisis.

The chair of the Commons Defence Committee said that problems concerning trade and the Northern Ireland Protocol would “disappear” if the UK rejoined the single market.

Tory peers criticised Mr Ellwood’s view, with Tom Tugendhat saying: “Let's plan for the future and stop looking back. This decision is made.”

Former chief whip Mark Harper said: “The UK voted to leave the EU. That meant leaving the single market and putting an end to freedom of movement. The end.” 

The single market allows free movement of goods, services, capital and people among members, yet the UK left the bloc as part of the Brexit deal.


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Brexit trade landscape

The UK left the single market as part of Brexit (Image: EXPRESS.CO.UK)

Meanwhile, Lord Daniel Hannan claimed that Britain would have been better off staying in the single market.

He wrote in the Telegraph earlier this month: “We should have stayed in the single market, but rejoining it now would be madness. 

"Leaving the market was an upheaval, but it was the chance to deregulate. Instead, ministers are retaining rules we once fought to repeal.” 

So what do YOU think? Should the UK listen to Sadiq Khan and push to rejoin the EU single market? Vote in our poll and join the debate in the comment section below.

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