Sadiq Khan blasted for wanting to rejoin EU single market – ‘Will not resolve issues!’

THE UK should not push to rejoin the EU single market after London Mayor Sadiq Khan's suggestion, a new poll of readers has found.

By Natalie Crookham, Engagement Editor

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The Mayor of London argued that Brexit was the “biggest piece of self-inflicted harm ever done to a country”. His suggestion that Britain should rejoin the EU single market came after blows to UK trade, and the progression of the Northern Ireland Bill to alter the Brexit deal in the House of Commons.

The UK’s departure from the single market – which allows free movement of goods, services, capital and people among members – was central to the Brexit negotiations.

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At the State of London debate on Tuesday, June 28, he was asked if the Labour Party should be pushing to rejoin the single market.

He said: “I don’t speak for the national Labour Party. But I believe we should…spot on.” 

As a result, asked readers whether the UK should push to rejoin the EU single market.

Sadiq Khan and Ursula von der Leyen

Sadiq Khan criticised for wanting to rejoin EU single market – ‘Will not resolve any issues!’ (Image: Getty)

In a poll that ran from 10am on Wednesday, June 29 to 10am on Thursday, June 30, asked: “Should UK listen to Sadiq Khan and push to rejoin EU single market?” 

In total, 8,121 people cast their votes with a strong majority, 91 percent (7,347 people), answering “no”, the UK should not rejoin the EU single market. 

However, nine percent (747 people) said “yes”, the UK should listen to Sadiq Khan and push to rejoin, while just 27 people said they did not know either way.

Hundreds of comments were left below the accompanying article as readers took part in a lively discussion on the EU single market.

Sadiq Kha

Sadiq Khan said the UK should push to rejoin the single market (Image: Simon Dawson/Bloomber/ Getty)

Many were in agreement that the UK was better off without the EU single market.

One reader, username russskinner said: “Joining the single market was our downfall in the first place. Do not make the same mistake again.” 

Username Michael Taylor said: “Rejoining the single market wouldn't resolve any of the issues we face. 

“This ploy is merely the first step in levering us back into the EU.” 

Another reader, username bigzap wrote: “Give it a rest, we have made our decision by a majority vote. Brexit is here to stay.”

Others questioned whether Mr Khan should be commenting on government matters. 

Username DNeil said: “I don't think anyone should listen to him.”

Username Kalergi68 wrote: “No. He is not a representative of the whole of the country.” 

And username Milton keynes mum said: “What has Khan to do with the Government? We are out and the sooner Boris cancels everything to do with the EU the better.”


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Brexit trade landscape

The UK left the single market as part of the Brexit deal (Image: EXPRESS.CO.UK)

However, others argued that the UK would benefit from having access to or re-joining the single market.

Username LameDuckJohnson said: “Of course we should rejoin the single market, we should never have left.”

While username PeterNoble said: “Yes of course. We are the first country in history to impose tariff sanctions on ourselves.”

And username RodneyThomas said: “Joining the single market and customs union is the only way to sort out the miserable economic situation the country is in.” 

Meanwhile, username SALTY commented: “We should do whatever is best for our economy. Ideology has no place in a sensible forward-looking country.”

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