Britons are NOT afraid of EU trade war threat ‘We need to get this done’

BRITAIN should not be scared of a potential trade war with the EU, a new poll of readers has found.

By Natalie Crookham, Engagement Editor

Liz Truss grilled over ‘timescale’ of Protocol

Negotiations between the UK and European Union over the Northern Ireland protocol could result in a trade war. Foreign Secretary Liz Truss is attempting to resolve issues surrounding the protocol to allow the Democratic Unionist Party to form a power-sharing administration with Sinn Fein.

She is proposing the introduction of new legislation to override parts of the protocol, signed as part of the Brexit deal. 

The European Commission has said it will respond with “all measures at its disposal” if the Northern Ireland protocol is rewritten.

BBC Europe editor Katya Adler told Newscast earlier this week that the EU could enforce tariffs on UK exports and imports, warning of a “messy and painful” trade war.

As a result, readers were asked whether they thought Britain should be scared of a potential trade war.

In a poll that ran from 9am on Thursday, May 19, to 11am on Sunday, May 22, asked: “Should Britain be scared of a trade war with the EU?” 

A total of 7,375 people cast their votes with the overwhelming majority, 80 percent (5,892 people) answering “no”, Britain should not be scared of a trade war with the EU.

A further 19 percent (1,440 people) said “yes”  Britain should be scared of a trade war with the EU.

Meanwhile, just one percent (43 people) said they did not know either way.

Thousands of comments were left below the accompanying article as readers took part in a lively debate.

Liz Truss and Maros Sefcovic

Britons are NOT afraid of EU trade war threat ‘We need to get this done’ (Image: Getty and Hollie Adams/Bloomberg/Getty)

One reader, username Timbo01 said: “No, we need to get this done, as Boris said, ‘Get Brexit Done’.”

And username Theancientone wrote: “NO! We should not be concerned. If the EU wants to be petty and start adding tariffs, they need to remember that we can apply tariffs too. Just get on with Brexit and stop faffing around.”

Others agreed that Britain should not be scared of a potential trade war.

Username johnann said: “Why should we be afraid of a trade war? We are one of Europe's best customers for everything. 

“As the Remoaners here keep telling us, We are only a small part of the EUs exports, so lets put it to the test, we have nothing to lose!”

Username NWO3 said: “No! The EU benefits more from trade with the UK and it is the EU that should be worried!”

Another, username Cranza1 said: “Never, bring it on. The EU needs the UK more than we need the EU.”

Username warthog 111 said: “We have given the EU enough time now they are not interested in a deal it's now time to kick them in the teeth and walk away.”

And username Ha! Ha! wrote: “Of course we shouldn't be scared! We are the best, we don't need the rest!”

Meanwhile, username RocketDodger said: “We're at ‘war’ with them now. How would it make any difference??”

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European trade landscape after Brexit

European trade landscape after Brexit (Image: EXPRESS.CO.UK)

However, some commented that they were afraid of a potential trade war.

Username Yetti said: “Right now, yes we should. Trade wars damage both sides and in the current cost of living, deficit, debt and inflation crisis, more pain is the last thing we need.”

Username Betty Swollocks wrote: “Of course we should be afraid of a trade war, very afraid.”

And username virginiapinkn said: “I don't see why Britain should be any more scared of a trade war than EU should be.”

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