‘Carry on Boris’ Readers rally behind PM as best leader for Tories

BORIS JOHNSON is the best leader of the Conservative Party, according to a new poll of Express.co.uk readers.

By Natalie Crookham, Engagement Editor

Boris Johnson brings his dog to cast vote in local elections

Critics within the Tory Party have said they are prepared to launch a coup on their leader, but Express.co.uk readers support Mr Johnson as the best Tory Party leader. In a poll that ran from 10am on Wednesday, May 4, to 2pm on Thursday, May 5, Express.co.uk asked: “Is Boris Johnson the best leader of the Tory Party? If not, who is?”

A total of 3,507 people responded with the majority – 58 percent (2,023 people) answering “Boris Johnson” as the best Tory leader.

The most popular candidate for taking over Mr Johnson’s position was Foreign Secretary “Liz Truss” gaining eight percent (280 people) of the vote.

This was followed by Defence Secretary “Ben Wallace” with six percent (221 people) and Junior Trade Minister “Penny Mordaunt” with five percent (164 people).

A further four percent (133 people) opted for former Foreign Secretary “Jeremy Hunt”.

In addition, 20 percent (686 people) of respondents gave other entries.

In the hundreds of comments left below the accompanying article, there was plenty of support for Mr Johnson.

One user, T.Jones said: “Boris Johnson is the best Prime Minister. He's had a hard job since becoming PM but he still keeps going strong. Keep it up Boris we are behind you.”

Username al mancha said: “Carry on Boris, the country is behind you.”

Username JohnFoord said: “Boris is the best PM since Thatcher and the Tory party had better think very carefully before they discard him.”

Boris Johnson

‘Carry on Boris’ Readers rally behind PM as best leader for Tories (Image: Neil Mockford/Getty)

And username Virago said: “Boris is the Best PM in a generation.”

Some expressed concerns over who could take over from Mr Johnson.

Username Wbaman said: “He has had a rough ride with all that has gone on in the last two years. Could anyone have done better?

“I think he has done good in bad circumstances, I don't see anyone in the party currently able to take over.”

Another, username Sid10, said:  “If you are looking at the Cabinet then I agree there is no one in the party able to take over.”

And username Foxxx said: “He made Brexit happen. No one can match him for drive, determination and charisma.”

Others commented who they wished to become Tory leader, with several agreeing it needed to be a Brexiteer.

Username "." wrote: “Any strong Tory Brexiteer who can deliver will do.”

Username SoltonGris said: “Any replacement needs to be a true Brexiteer but also one who also appeals to the wider public at a general election.”

Username EQUITY commented: “The replacement has to be a True Conservative with a right-wing philosophy who is prepared to follow the Manifesto the Conservatives were elected on.”

And Username Derventio000 said: “Someone who will put British national interests, history and culture first.”

Boris Johnson timeline

Boris Johnson timeline (Image: EXPRESS.CO.UK)

Latest YouGov data, as of April 7, places Mr Johnson’s approval rating at 29 percent, one point lower than his March score.

In comparison, the number of people who think he is doing “badly” in his role grew by two percentage points to 65 percent.

This research was conducted before he received a fixed penalty notice for attending an illegal gathering at Downing Street, which could negatively impact his approval further.

The Prime Minister’s inner circle are optimistic about Mr Johnson retaining his position.

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