Britain’s lack of control over borders is ‘real Brexit betrayal’ – POLL

BREXIT does not mean we are finally in control of our borders, according to a new poll of readers.

By Natalie Crookham, Engagement Editor

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During his referendum campaign, Boris Johnson promised Brexit would allow Britain to “take back control of its borders” through ending freedom of movement with the EU. But he rejected Theresa May’s targets to keep net migration below 100,000 a year opting for a more liberalised approach.

Analysis published on Tuesday by British Future, a think tank which specialises in immigration and integration, showed more non-EU foreign nationals are expected to come to the UK this year than before Brexit.

Over 50 percent more non-EU workers, students and families were granted visas since the UK voted to leave the EU in 2016.

Sunder Katwala, the director of British Future, said: “Overall immigration will be greater than before Brexit because non-EU growth will be higher than the fall in EU migrants.

“This year could be higher than any other year in recent British history. It has come about through active policy decisions by the Government to make immigration easier.”

The issue on whether Brexit had allowed the Government to take back control of Britain's borders was debated on GB News on Tuesday morning, and asked readers for their views on the matter.

In a poll that ran from 2pm on Tuesday, April 26, to midday on Wednesday, April 27, asked: “Does Brexit mean we're finally in control of our borders?”

A total of 1,735 people voted with the overwhelming majority – 81 percent (1,412 people) – saying “no”, Brexit does not mean we are finally in control of our borders.

A further 17 percent (240 people) said “yes” while two percent (33 people) said they did not know. 

Hundreds of readers shared their thoughts on the issue in the comments below the accompanying article.

Boris Johnson

Britain’s lack of control over borders is ‘real Brexit betrayal’ (Image: Getty)

Username WilliamG2 said: “The simple answer is a resounding NOOO, not in any form are we free from the EU.”

Another, username Cynical Me said: “Simple answer is NO.”

Username KatMoi said: “Being in control of our borders means we decide who can come into our country and who cannot and that speaks for itself so no we are not in control of our borders at all.”

And username BobPage wrote: “This is the real Brexit betrayal.”

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Many were in agreement that the UK was not in control of its borders and that Mr Johnson had delivered Brexit in name only.

Username DannyHakim said: “Not in control of our borders or our waters around the UK.

“When it comes down to it, we are not even in control of parts of the UK, such as Northern Ireland. All part of Boris’s BRINO brexit.”

Username NorthernGeezer wrote: “BRINO has been done and WE ARE NOT in control of our borders!!!!”

Meanwhile, username "." said: “Brexit by Boris hasn’t been delivered.

Username WeDidntStartTheFire wrote: “We've not had brexit. The EU still controls Northern Ireland and our waters.”

Brexit timeline

Brexit timeline (Image: EXPRESS.CO.UK)

Username RSHANNON3 said: “If we had had the proper Brexit as promised, then the answer would be completely different.”

And Username Ladylassiecat said: “It was meant to yes, but we don’t have a government that is taking responsibility for those borders.”

However, some thought that Britain was in control of its borders.

Username Cobblers_ said: “No one has 100 percent control of their borders. Point is we have more control now than we did before.”

And Username facts_not_brexit_fantasy said: “But we are. This is government policy. And it has been for decades, Brexit or not.”

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