‘Keep calm and carry on, Boris!’ Readers rally behind PM as he heads to India

BORIS JOHNSON has made the correct decision by going ahead with his trip to India rather than staying to fight Partygate, according to a new poll of Express.co.uk readers.

By Natalie Crookham, Engagement Editor

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UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson has travelled to India on an official trip, as he aims to strike a post-Brexit trade deal and strengthen defence and security ties with the country. His visit comes amid the escalation of the Partygate scandal in the House of Commons.

MPs took part in a Commons vote on Thursday, April 21, on an investigation into whether Mr Johnson misled Parliament.

The result means a parliamentary inquiry will be conducted into what Mr Johnson said about parties at Downing Street.

MPs on the Privileges Committee will investigate whether Mr Johnson is in contempt of Parliament for misleading the Commons.

In a poll that ran from 10am on Wednesday, April 20, to 11am on Thursday, April 21, Express.co.uk asked: “Should Boris stay and fight Partygate claims or go to India?”

A total of 1,710 people cast their votes with the majority – 77 percent (1,317 people) – saying Mr Johnson should “go to India”. 

A further 22 percent (381 people) answered that Mr Johnson should “stay and fight Partygate”. 

Just one percent (12 people) said they did not know either way.

Dozens of comments were left below the accompanying article with readers sharing their views on whether Mr Johnson should stay or go.

One user, Wiser1, said: “Keep calm and carry on Boris! Staying or going won't change anything here.”

Username uncivilservant wrote: “Run or fight makes no difference.”

Most readers were in support of Mr Johnson going to India despite Partygate.

Boris Johnson in India

‘Keep calm and carry on, Boris!’ Readers rally behind PM as he heads to India (Image: Getty)

Username Get some said: “Go to India, the Partygate thing isn’t important, it’s just more splurge from the opposition.”

Username JimGriff said: “He should go to India. Partygate is nothing more now than a distraction from more important issues.”

Many agreed that Mr Johnson should be allowed to get on with his job.

Username CMG1 wrote: “Bin Partygate and get on with the real life issues.”

Username Ann Oid said: “Just go Boris. Just ride this minor squall out. The country needs your leadership at this point in time.”

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And username SanjayP said: “The PM should carry on running the country and do the trip as planned.”

Others said Mr Johnson should go to India as Partygate had gone on for too long.

Username The wolf said: “Go to India and get on with the job.”

Another user, Allrounder, said: “Go to India. This is getting completely ridiculous.”

Username Jayd said: “Just get on with the job Boris. Leave Partygate to the small-minded people.”

Boris Johnson in India

Boris Johnson has travelled to India on an official trip (Image: Getty)

And username TVOReason wrote: “The business of the country comes first and this Partygate thing has gone on too long, move on, there’s more important things to worry about.”

Some commented that Mr Johnson should resign from his position because of his actions during Partygate.

Username "." said: “Boris should simply resign.”

And username GavsRules said: “The best option is for him not to go to India and to resign immediately.”

Boris Johnson timeline

Boris Johnson timeline (Image: EXPRES.CO.UK)

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