Boris Johnson should carry on despite Partygate – ‘best PM in decades!’

BORIS JOHNSON should be allowed to get on with his job as Prime Minister despite the Partygate scandal, according to a new poll of readers.

By Natalie Crookham, Engagement Editor

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Mr Johnson delivered a “whole-hearted apology” to the House of Commons yesterday for ‘Partygate’ after he was issued with a fixed penalty notice by the Metropolitan Police for breaking COVID-19 lockdown rules.

The Prime Minister sought to reassure MPs that there are bigger issues to focus on than Partygate, referencing the Ukraine crisis.

On Thursday, MPs will vote on an investigation into whether he misled Parliament by denying parties at Downing Street took place.

In a poll that ran from 3pm to 6pm on Tuesday, April 19, asked: “Should Boris Johnson be allowed to get on with the job of being PM despite the Partygate scandal?”

A total of 4,634 people responded with the vast majority – 79 percent (3,644 people) opting for “yes”, Mr Johnson should be allowed to get on with his job.

A further 21 percent (974 people) said “no” and just 16 people said they did not know.

Hundreds of comments were left below the accompanying article with readers taking part in a lively debate.

Many were in support of Mr Johnson and thought Partygate should be left in the past now.

One user, Shellback, wrote: “Let's just move on.”

Username TROUT_TICKLER said: “Leave the man alone and let him get on with running this country.”

Username Wiser1 said: “Definitely shouldn't go, he's the best PM we have had for decades! This was a minor issue and so much more needs to be done.”

And username John994 said: “The whole argument is irrelevant. Just get on with governing. Who cares now?”

Boris Johnson

Boris Johnson should carry on despite Partygate (Image: Chris J Ratcliffe/Getty)

Others agreed that Mr Johnson should remain in his role as Prime Minister.

Username RY28 said: “Boris is our modern-day Churchill, he should remain our PM for as long as he wishes.”

Username Viking4 wrote: “Yes Boris should stay. Partygate is just a pathetic excuse to try to undermine the PM.”

Another user, skain, said: “Let him get on with the job of being PM – there is nobody else in the frame who could do it with the gravitas or charisma.”

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Others thought that Partygate needed to be brought to an end as there were more important things to deal with.

Username JL77 wrote: “Move on, get over it! More important things going on than self-indulgent MPs.”

Username Pamcryer1 said: “He has apologised so let that be an end to it, a majority of Labour MPs broke the lockdown as well including [Labour leader Sir Keir] Starmer so let's move on to important business.”

And username alanwolf said: “The opposition should be deeply ashamed about wasting public's time and money when we have a war, a pandemic and the economy to fix.”

However, others thought Mr Johnson’s actions were “unforgivable”.

Boris Johnson timeline

Boris Johnson timeline (Image: EXPRESS.CO.UK)

Username Teenyme said: “All those at No 10 who were involved in these parties should be named, shamed and sacked!”

“Partying the night before Prince Philip’s funeral is totally unforgivable, partying whilst people were unable to see their loved ones or hold their hand before they passed away… unforgivable. 

“Partying whilst loved ones were distancing at funerals… unforgivable!”

And username bobstaff said: “Johnson should now resign, he has broken the law.”

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