REVEALED: How a no-deal Brexit could HARM pensioners - 'It could be ILLEGAL to pay'

A NO-DEAL Brexit could have harmful effects on retired people, as it could make it illegal to pay out some pensions, financial experts have warned.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

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Financial experts warned a Government committee of the disruption they believe could be caused by leaving the without a deal.

In the run-up to the key EU summit scheduled for Wednesday and Thursday, the Westminster's Scottish Affairs Committee was told of the “stark” consequences a range of individuals and organisations could face in the wake of a no-deal .

Among the groups experts believe would be badly hurt by a no-deal scenario are pensioners.


You might be in this position where it could be deemed illegal to actually pay somebody the pension that they've paid into

Alastair Ross

The committee, which sits in Edinburgh and examines the expenditure, administration and policy of the Scotland Office, heard how some pensions could become “illegal” with a no-deal Brexit. 

Alastair Ross, of the Association of British Insurers (AIB), said: "You might be in this position where it could be deemed illegal to actually pay somebody the pension that they've paid into.

"This is the advice that we're getting, dependent on the attitude of the regulator of the country into which you are paying that payment.

"If it's considered a regulatory activity then it could be deemed illegal if you do not have consent under a no-deal scenario.

"That would be a very stark position, but that's the situation that we're looking at." 

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Brexit news: A no-deal Brexit could harm pensioners, finance experts claimed (Image: AFP/GETTY)

The AIB had already spoken against the UK leaving the EU without a deal.

In a previous statement on Brexit, the organisation said such a scenario would leave insurance contracts in "legal limbo", with firms unsure if they could legally pay claims for contracts drawn up before Brexit.

During today’s hearing, Mr Ross repeated the AIB’s warning, saying holidaymakers could lose access to EU health insurance cards in case of a no-deal Brexit.

This would put "significant pressure on travel insurance premiums", while any requirement to reintroduce insurance "Green Cards" to enable motorists to drive in Europe could be "an extensive exercise", he continued. 

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Donald Tusk

Brexit news: Donald Tusk said a no-deal Brexit is 'more likely than ever' (Image: GETTY)

The AIB and the other organisations taking part to the meeting were asked by the committee to depict what they believe would happen “to the continuity of cross-border financial contracts between the UK and EU, and what would this mean for firms and consumers”. 

Conor Lawlor, of UK Finance, the trade association for the finance and banking industry, warned on the potential losses faced by firms working across the border.

He said: "There are about 27 trillion to 29 trillion dollars (£20 trillion to £22 trillion) worth of contracts agreed between the UK and the rest of the European Union.

"The majority of these are insurance and derivatives risk management tools that are incredibly important to supply chains and businesses across Europe. 

brexit news theresa may speech no deal brexit european union brexit deal

Brexit news: Theresa May spoke to the Commons earlier today (Image: AFP/GETTY)

"If the UK is unplugged from the European Union overnight, a lot of those contracts don't fall away, they're still fundamentally based on commercial or corporate law.

"What's difficult to do is intervene in those contracts because that would be deemed a regulated activity.

"In the best-case scenario it means increased costs, in the worst-case scenario it means the business can't function because a counter-party can't intervene and make the contract work in the way that it should."

The committee's meeting comes as Theresa May warned parliament the UK may agree on a temporary backstop to avoid a hard border between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland if the negotiating teams failed to agree on a deal by the time the UK officially withdraws from the EU.  

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