Brexit LIVE: ‘WE WON'T BE TRAPPED!’ May sends EU DIRE warning in special Commons address

THERESA May issued a dire warning to the European Union, saying the UK may agree to a backstop to avoid a hard border between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland - but "it must be temporary".

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

May: We have made 'real progress' in Brexit negotiations

The Prime Minister addressed the House of Commons just two days before a crucial summit in Brussels.

Speaking to the MPs, she argued a backstop is a temporary solution to be adopted if negotiators failed to reach an agreement before the UK withdrawal from the EU, set for March 29 2019. 

The move comes after a hastily-arranged meeting between Dominic Raab and his EU counterpart Michel Barnier failed to break the deadlock.

The collapse means Mrs is facing the very real prospect of no deal being reached by Wednesday’s deadline.

Theresa May

Theresa May faces a battle to get a Brexit deal thrashed out (Image: GETTY)

Britain said there were still "unresolved issues" relating to the backstop but it remained committed to making progress at the European Council meeting.

But with Theresa May under siege from Tory Eurosceptics and her parliamentary allies, the Government also has a reason to appear to be taking a tough line.

The Prime Minister's room for manoeuvre is severely restricted, with opposition to both the EU's proposed backstop and concerns about her own alternative.

The EU version, which would see just remain aligned with Brussels' rules, has been called unacceptable by Mrs May and has been rejected outright by the DUP.


10.55pm update: comes "out of retirement" to make sure Brexit will be delivered

Former leader Mr Farage voiced his worries on the possibility of Brexit not happening, adding he is coming back to UK politics to ensure the UK will really withdraw from the EU. 

Speaking on Monday as part of the "Leave means Leave" group, he told supporters: "I do begin to think in the last 24 hours maybe the establishment have hit the wall on Brexit that's why I'm sort of, back out of retirement just 'cause I want to get it over the line and succeed."

10.20pm update: Jeremy Corbyn claims general election is better than Chequers deal 

The Labour leader met his party's peers and MPs after the parliament showdown. 

Speaking with shadow Brexit secretary Sir Keir Starmer at his side, Mr Corbyn said, according to a party source: "Both Keir and Jeremy made clear that it isn't a straightforward choice between the likely package that Theresa May brings back and no deal.

"If we vote against it and it's voted down in Parliament then there is the option of calling for a general election on the basis that the Government is unable to deliver that outcome, that we would seek to reopen the negotiations on the basis of our alternative plan and then, failing all that, all other options are on the table."

Nigel Farage

Nigel Farage confessed he is afraid Brexit may not happen (Image: GETTY)

8.45pm update: MP brands the proposed implementation period a "condition of vassalage" 

Dominic Grieve, a Tory MP and former cabinet minister, told Theresa May the UK is set to become a vassal forced to pledge its alliance to the EU if she follow through on the proposals set out in the Chequers. 

He told the prime minister after her speech in the Commons: "I wish Mrs May every good thing in this negotiation, but I do point out to her that we are heading towards a conclusion where we are going to be in at least a two-year relationship with the EU, which is a condition of vassalage because we have absolutely no say in the rule-making that we are tied to.

"And then, in fact, we are going to be tied to a common rule book after it, even if she is successful."

He then called for a second referendum as, he said, Britons are now facing an entirely different scenario than the one they voted for in 2016. 

He said: "And I have to say to her that, in those circumstances, I will not be able to support the Government in this unless this matter is put to the British people again, because it's entirely different from what was discussed and negotiated during the referendum in 2016."

7.20pm update: Theresa May urged to strike a Brexit deal for the sake of the Meghan Markle and Prince Harry's firstborn

Conservative Vicky Ford said the Royal Baby should be born into economic stability just hours after Kensington Palace announced the Duchess of Sussex is expecting a baby due in spring. 

The MP for Chelmsford said: "Next spring when the Duke and Duchess of Sussex are having their first baby, I want this country to be at a time of economic stability and no deal is unpredictable.

"Can I encourage her to continue pressing the case for innovative customs solutions that deliver frictionless trade, whilst listening closely to the concerns of other EU member states about the risks they face.

"Because it is only when we make progress on finding the long-term solution will the difficulties of the backstop disperse."

7.10pm update: EU blames UK for Brexit delay 

EU sources told Reuters British negotiators were "not ready" to strike a deal over last weekend as the Government needed to convince hard-line Brexiteers to make more concessions to Brussels. 

Speaking to Reuters, an EU diplomat said: "There is only so much we can do.

"The Brits are not ready, they need more time." 

Theresa May delivering a speech in the Commons

Theresa May was urged to avoid a no-deal Brexit for the sake of Meghan and Harry's baby (Image: PA)

6.15pm update: Donald Tusk warns a no-deal Brexit is "more likely than ever before" 

The president of the European Council issued a stark warning in the invitation he sent to the EU28 ahead of their meeting scheduled in two days. 

Mr Tusk wrote: "The European Council will start on Wednesday evening with a debate on Brexit.

"I have invited Prime Minister May to address the EU27, giving the UK Government's assessment of the negotiations.

"Later at 27, we will decide on how to take the negotiations forward, on the basis of a recommendation by our chief negotiator, Michel Barnier.

"As you remember from Salzburg, we wished for maximum progress and results that would lead to a deal in October.

"As things stand today, it has proven to be more complicated than some may have expected.

"We should nevertheless remain hopeful and determined, as there is good will to continue these talks on both sides.

"But at the same time, responsible as we are, we must prepare the EU for a no-deal scenario, which is more likely than ever before.

"Like the UK, the Commission has started such preparations, and will give us an update during the meeting. But let me be absolutely clear.

"The fact that we are preparing for a no-deal scenario must not, under any circumstances, lead us away from making every effort to reach the best agreement possible, for all sides.

"This is what our state of mind should be at this stage.

"As someone rightly said: 'It always seems impossible until it's done.' Let us not give up." 

Donald Tusk

Donald Tusk warned a no-deal Brexit scenario is 'more likely than ever' (Image: GETTY)

6pm update: Bookies slash odds of the UK not securing a Brexit deal before March 2019 

Online gambling company Betway played down odds Theresa May will be able to strike a deal before the withdrawal date set for March 29 2019 - with odds against now at 11/10. 

The bookmaker also shortened a no-deal Brexit scenario from 4/5 to 4/6. 

Meanwhile, current and former Brexit ministers Dominic Raab and David Davis have both been backed in the last 24 hours to replace Mrs May, with Mr Raab now 8/1 from 10/1 and Davis coming in from 33/1 to 10/1. 

Betway’s Alan Alger said: “The opposition laughed off Theresa May’s statement that the UK is coming to the closing stages of securing a Brexit deal and the odds suggest she’s still no closer.

“Pushing out the odds of the UK securing a deal before 29th March to 11/10 from 4/5, punters remain concerned by the PM’s admittance that a few critical issues are still to be agreed.

“It’s now just 4/6, in from 4/5, for the UK to be forced to leave the Union without a deal in place, while former Brexit Secretary David Davis has emerged as a possible replacement for May.

“Davis has been backed into 10/1 from a distant 33/1 in the last 24 hours and there’s also been money for the current Brexit boss, Dominic Raab, who is now 8/1 from 10/1 to replace May.”

5.30pm update: Theresa May's speech to the Commons is welcomed by IoD

Allie Renison, head of Europe and trade policy at the Institute of Directors (IoD), "welcomed" the temporary backstop solution put forward by Mrs May earlier today in Parliament. 

She said: "We commend the Prime Minister for being frank and forthright about the remaining issues surrounding the Irish border backstop, as businesses are in desperate need of some long overdue clarity.

"The IoD has long supported a UK-wide dimension to the proposed backstop in order to address the concerns about additional barriers to trade between Northern Ireland and Great Britain.

"We are heartened to see the Prime Minister pushing forward with this on customs arrangements and think the EU should be sensible enough to see the need for this.

"However, questions still remain about what the regulatory dimension to the backstop is in the Government's counter proposals, and we urge them to be clear about this.

"As companies themselves will bear the brunt of any changes, it is imperative that the views of business are fully taken into account on the practicalities of any backstop option."

This positive comment comes after leaders of business associations branded the consequences of a no-deal Brexit "stark". 

Boris Johnson speaking in the Commons

Boris Johnson called for clarity after Theresa May's speech (Image: PA)

5.15pm update: Boris Johnson calls for clarity after Mrs May's speech to parliament - "a deadline is ESSENTIAL"

Mr Johnson wrote on Twitter: "We must be clear that we can genuinely vary our tariffs and do free trade deals or it will be Brexit in name only and we will betray the British people. A deadline is essential."

His tweet comes after Theresa May delivered a speech in the Commons where she put forward the possibility of issuing a temporary backstop to ensure the Good Friday agreement will be protected even in case the negotiators are unable to strike a deal by the time the UK withdraws from the EU. 

However, the prime minister said she hopes the UK won't need to adopt a backstop, as she said the negotiating teams could agree on a deal on time. 

5.05pm update: Theresa May to discuss with Emmanuel Macron latest development in Brexit talks 

The French President has confirmed he will speak with Mrs May later today to be briefed on the latest progress on the negotiations. 

The calls comes just two days before a key EU summit. 

Mr Macron told a news conference with his South Korean counterpart: "I want the technical and political talks to continue and I will exchange later today with Theresa May.

"We are ready for all scenarios in case there is a no deal."

Mr Macron added he believed in "collective intelligence" and that the two sides could move forward. 

The French President is the latest of a series of EU leaders Mrs May has spoken with in the last few days, as confirmed by her spokesman. 

In the run up to the summit, Mrs May spoke to Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel and the Netherland's prime minister Mark Rutte, he said. 

Arlene Foster

Arlene Foster said she hopes for a 'sensible Brexit' (Image: PA)

4.50pm DUP leader calls for a "sensible Brexit".

The leader of the Northern Irish party who last week thretened the survival of Theresa May's Government said she hopes a "sensible" Brexit deal can be reached.

Arlene Foster said: "I very much hope that we do get a deal.

"We want to see a sensible Brexit, one that works for Northern Ireland, but also one that works for our colleagues and friends in the Republic of Ireland." 

She also called for "cool heads" in the talks. 

Referring to a meeting with Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar later on Monday, Mrs Foster said: "There's no point in standing back and shouting at each other"  

Speaking in Dublin, Mrs Foster was asked if she was ready to bring her Government ally, Mrs May, down. 

The DUP voted down a minor Government's motion last week, seen as a signal the 10 DUP MPs could vote down the Budget due later this month if they didn't like the terms on Northern Ireland in the Brexit deal struck by Mrs May. 

However, Mrs Foster said she "will not deal with hypothetical." 

Boris Johnson

Boris Johnson accused Jeremy Corbyn of 'betraying millions of Britons' (Image: SKY NEWS)

4.20pm: Theresa May rules out a Canada-style deal 

Mrs May explained the Commons a deal similar to the one struck between Canada and the EU would not represent a good solution for the UK, despite some eurosceptic members of her party have voiced their support to this solution.

The prime minister explained an enhanced Canada-style deal is not on offer for the whole of the UK, and she will never accept anything that could split the UK after the withdrawal from the EU. 

She also said this deal doesn't "deliver on frictionless trade". 

On the other hand, the proposals put forward by the Government are focused on free trade deal with frictionless trade. 

4.15pm update: Boris Johnson LASHES OUT at Jeremy Corbyn

During an emergency PMQs, Mr Johnson replied to Jeremy Corbyn, who earlier said Labour wants to remain within the customs union to avoid a hard border between Ireland and Northern Ireland and to boost the British economy. 

Mr Johnson said: "In deciding to remain in the customs union, the leader of the opposition is guilty of a shameless U-turn and a betrayal of millions of British voters." 

He then asked Mrs May to confirm whether "the very latest deadline by which this country will take back control from Brussels will be December 2021". 

Mrs May corrected him, saying she expects the deadline to fall by the  January 1 2021. 

4pm update: Iain Duncan Smith DEMANDS to know how long a temporary backstop would last

Powerful Tory MP Iain Duncan Smith asked: "How long does she think this temporary arrangement may last?"

The prime minister answered saying she "doesn't want to see a backstop having to be used at all".

However, she conceded, she is warning the Commons it could be possible to put one in place if an agreement with the EU is not struck by March 2019. 

She said: "We will be working to ensure the point when a backstop is not need comes as soon as possible." 

She added she expects a UK-wide customs arrangement to be reached by the end of 2020. 

Jeremy Corbyn

Jeremy Corbyn claimed Mrs May should put 'the country before her party' (Image: PA)

3.50pm: Jeremy Corbyn attacks Mrs May urging her to "put the country before the party" 

Mr Corbyn argued the Government is in disarray and said Mrs May must stand up against the rebels in her own party who call for a hard Brexit. 

He said: "Red lines after red lines have been surrender.

"The blindfold Brexit they are cooking up is a bridge to nowhere.

"The prime minister must stop the excuses, there is a Brexit deal that would benefit Britain and avoid any hard border in Northern Ireland, but that isn't her deal."

Mr Corbyn continued saying the prime minister is presenting the Chequers plan as the only viable dea but, he argues, there is another option. 

He said: "An alternative that can command to support of parliament in the country. 

"Labours' plan is for Britian and the EU to negotiate a permanent customs union to protect jobs and manufactory. 

"We want a deal for all regions and nations and allows us to invest in infrastructure and energy market so we can grow our economy again. 

"Labour won't give the government a blank check to go down the reckless path set on at the present time.

"The choise for this parliament should never be no deal or her deal. 

"If this government can't achieve a good deal for this country, than it has to make way for those who can." 

He continued saying Mrs May should "put the country before her party and stand up" to hard-liners. 

3.45pm update: Theresa May said a deal is "achievable" and the "best outcome" for the UK 

Speaking to the Commons, Mrs May urged the European Union not to allow a stand-off over the Irish border to derail the Brexit talks. 

Addressing the House, Mrs May said: "I believe a negotiated deal with the EU is achievable."

However, she continued, the Government has made clear on multiple occasions to Brussels they "won't agree to anything that threatens integrity of our UK". 

Appealing to the Commons, the prime minister asked MPs to accept the idea of a possible temporary backstop, adding "I am clear we are not going to be trapped permanently in a single customs territory". 

Mrs May also said she doesn't believe the UK and the EU are "far apart", which leads her to think a deal should be struck. 

She added: "We cannot let this disagreement derail the prospects of a good deal and leave us with a no deal outcome that no-one wants."

Theresa May speech in the Commons

Theresa May is speaking to the House of Commons (Image: AFP/GETTY)

3.40pm: Backstop is an "insurance policy" says Theresa May

Conceding the Irish border is a troubling issue, Mrs May told the Commons: "The UK and the EU agreed that our future economic partnership should provide for solutions for the unique circumstances in Northern Ireland".

Mrs May explained that while both parts are committed to strike an agreement before the end of the negotiation, "there is a chance that there may be a gap."

This creates the need for a backstop to avoid any distruption or hard border between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland, Mrs May added. 

She continued: "This backstop is intended to be an insurance policy between Northern Ireland and Ireland. 

"Previously, the EU had proposed a backstop that would see Northern Ireland carved in the EU customs union and part of the single markets, creating a border in the Irish Sea.

"I made clear I could never accept a border in the Irish Sea."

She continued saying the UK has brought forward new solutions and proposals to the EU, but the EU insists on creating a "backstop to the backstop". 

3.35pm: Theresa May addresses the Commons saying the Brexit terms are now "clear"

The prime minister updated the House of Commons on the latest meeting held with EU Chief negotiator Michel Barner. 

She said: "We are entering the final stages of this negotiation.

"This is the time for a clear-eyed focus for a few remaining issue that needs to be agree.

Arguing a lot of "speculation" circulated following her meeting, she said she wanted "to set out clearly for the house the main points discussed". 

She said both the EU and the UK "share" a "profound" responsibility to ensure the preservation of the Belfast Good Friday Agreement and to "ensure life continues essentially as life is now". 

As a consequence, Mrs May explained a need to create a temporary backstop may arise. 

The prime minister also said the terms of the UK's exit are "now clear" and both negotiating teams have made "real progress" in recent weeks, both on the deal and on the future relationship betweenthe UK and the EU. 

Brexit: Duncan Smith blasts ‘ludicrous’ EU backstop proposals

3.15pm update: Financial experts warns of the potentially "stark" consequences of a no-deal  

The Westminster's Scottish Affairs Committee was warned by some leading British finance associations about what they believe would be impact of a no-deal Brexit on their businesses. 

Committee chairman Pete Wishart asked: "In the event of a no deal, what would happen to the continuity of cross-border financial contracts between the UK and EU, and what would this mean for firms and consumers?"

Conor Lawlor, of UK Finance, the trade association for the finance and banking industry, said: "There is about 27 trillion to 29 trillion dollars (£20 trillion to £22 trillion) worth of contracts agreed between the UK and the rest of the European Union.

"The majority of these are insurance and derivatives risk management tools that are incredibly important to supply chains and businesses across Europe.

"If the UK is unplugged from the European Union overnight a lot of those contracts don't fall away, they're still fundamentally based on commercial or corporate law.

"What's difficult to do is intervene in those contracts because that would be deemed a regulated activity.

"In best-case scenario it means increased costs, in worst-case scenario it means the business can't function because a counter-party can't intervene and make the contract work in the way that it should."

Theresa May

Theresa May is under siege from Tory Eurosceptic and her DUP parliamentary allies (Image: GETTY)

2.33pm update: Enrico Letta: “It will be harder for British than for Europeans to be alone”

Former Italian Prime Minister has predicted Britons will finder it harder to go it alone than their European neighbours after Brext.

He said: "For the British, the prospect of being outside is worse than being inside because the size of the world has changed.

"When my generation came to light, Earth was populated by three billion people, one fifth of them in Europe.

“When my generation leaves this planet, I hope as late as possible, it will be populated by ten billion people, of which one twentieth will be Europeans

“Only if we are united, the decisions concerning the organisation of our lives we can be influential in the world.

“In the hyper-connected world of today, no one who can feel comfortable at home if, for example, Trump and China are the ones setting the rules for the environment.” 

Enrico Letta

Enrico Letta, former Italian Prime Minister (Image: GETTY)

1.57pm update: Sinn Fein would demand border poll in event of no-deal Brexit

Sinn Fein leader Mary Lou McDonald will demand a referendum on the future of Northern Ireland if a no-deal Brexit results in a hard Irish border.

Ms McDonald said the damage would be so great to peace and prosperity in Ireland that people on both sides of the border could not just sit back and allow it to happen.

She said: “If that happens and I very much hope that it doesn’t but if, by accident or design, there is a crash or a no-deal Brexit, Mrs May and whoever is in No 10 needs to understand that in those circumstances the constitutional question would have to be put to the people of Ireland. There would have to be a border poll.

“You could not countenance such damage and disruption to our island and imagine that we will simply be philosophical about it and move on.”

12.59pm update: Leo Varadkar predicts December deal for Brexit deal

Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar has predicted a Brexit deal could be delayed until December.

Mr Varadkar said negotiations are still ongoing but admitted "no one knows for sure" when an agreement can be reached.

He said: "We are at a sensitive phase and I know some people were optimistic about an agreement on the withdrawal protocol this week, I have to say I always thought that was unlikely, I figure November or December the best opportunity for a deal."

11.16am update: Diplomat accuses Brussels of treating Northern Ireland citizens “like pawns”

Diplomat Sir Peter Marshall has accused the EU of treating the people of Northern Ireland “like pawns”.

Sir Peter, a former Commonwealth Deputy Secretary-General said the the question of a backstop had only arisen because the EU was deliberately flouting the terms of Article 50.

He said: “Despite Paragraph 2 of Article 50 stipulating that the Commission shall negotiate and conclude an agreement with the withdrawing state, the EU are refusing to take the future relationship into account until we have met their withdrawal demands.

“They insist on phasing the process, in a manner which works to the serious disadvantage of the withdrawing state.

“In a shameful throw-back to the power politics of the nineteenth century, the 27 leaders and the EU institutions are treating the people of Northern Ireland like pawns.”

Nicola Sturgeon

Nicola Sturgeon (Image: GETTY)

11.02am update: Sturgeon unveils Scottish government’s "common sense" Brexit plan

The Scottish government has set out what it calls a "common sense" alternative to the UK government's Brexit plans.

A new paper pressing the case for continued membership of the single market and customs union was unveiled by First Minister Nicola Sturgeon at a speech in London.

Ms Sturgeon said: “We strongly oppose Brexit and deeply regret it.”

She warned MPs "should not be railroaded into accepting a bad or blindfold deal on the grounds that no deal would be a catastrophe".

Ms Sturgeon said: “The UK Government has spent two years asserting that no deal is better than a bad deal.

“However they will almost certainly try to railroad MPs into accepting a bad or blindfold deal on the grounds that no deal would be a catastrophe.

“They are threatening us with fire, to make us choose the frying pan.

“MPs do not have to fall for that false choice. Other options are available. Voting against a bad or blindfold deal isn't a vote for no deal. It would be a vote to open the door to a better deal.

“In fact if the UK Government comes back to Parliament with a bad or blindfold deal, voting against it is the only chance the Westminster parliament will have, to re-set the negotiations and think again.”

In the June 2016 referendum, Scotland voted by 62 per cent to 38 per cent in favour of remaining in the EU.

Alastair Campbell tells Piers Morgan to 'shut up' in Brexit debate

10.42am update: Labour demands update on Irish border proposals

Shadow Brexit Secretary Sir Keir Starmer has called on the Government to publish details of its revised proposals for the Irish border.

Sir Keir spoke out as politicians on both sides of the Irish border voiced their concern about the failure to break the deadlock in Brussels.

He said: "At the moment we don't even know what the proposal is that everybody has fallen out about over the weekend.”

"That needs to be looked at and scrutinised in Parliament."

10.20am update: DUP deputy leader warns of “battle for the Union”

DUP deputy leader Nigel Dodds said Brexit talks had turned into a "battle for the Union" of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

Mr Dodds said the European Union's "hubris and arrogance" was increasing the chances that Britain would leave the European Union without a formal exit deal.

He said the Conservative Party appeared deeply troubled by the Brexit process but said he did not want to see Theresa May removed from office.

9.38am update: Irish ambassador warns time is running out

Ireland's ambassador to the UK, Adrian O'Neill, said events in Brussels were a "setback" and could increase the prospect of a no-deal Brexit.

He told BBC Radio 4's Westminster Hour: "Time is running out, there is no doubt about that. In all member states, preparation for all eventualities are ramping up quite significantly."

The special EU summit pencilled in for November to sign off a Brexit agreement could instead end up being used as an emergency meeting to discuss "no-deal" plans.

Talks will take place on Monday between DUP leader Arlene Foster and Taoiseach Leo Varadkar, while Mrs May will meet Sinn Fein leader Mary Lou McDonald in Westminster.

Jeremy Hunt

Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt (Image: PA)

8.46 update: Jeremy Hunt insists Brexit deal is essential for global security

A Brexit deal with the European Union is critical in maintaining global security in the face of new and emerging threats, Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt has told his Eastern European counterparts.

Mr Hunt is today at the Foreign Affairs Council in Luxembourg - days before Theresa May will again put her proposal for a future deal before European Union figureheads at a European Council summit in Brussels on Wednesday.

If both sides can find a compromise position on avoiding a hard border between Ireland and Northern Ireland, another summit to complete the terms of the political declaration on a future trade relationship has been scheduled for the weekend of November 17-18.

The Foreign Secretary told European Union partners on Sunday issues including cyber attacks, chemical weapons, terrorism and migration can only be tackled together as a united force following Brexit.

8.32am update: DUP believes no-deal Brext “probably inevitable”

DUP leaders have suggested a no-deal Brexit is “probably inevitable" as negotiations one again ground to halt over the Irish border conundrum.

Party Brexit spokesman Sammy Wilson said: “Given the way in which the EU has behaved and the corner they've put Theresa May into, there's no deal which I can see at present which will command a majority in the House of Commons.

"So it is probably inevitable that we will end up with a no deal scenario."

Mrs May has relied on the DUP for her Parliamentary majority under a confidence and supply agreement signed after the last year’s General Election.

Tim Martin, founder and chairman of JD Wetherspoon

Tim Martin, founder and chairman of JD Wetherspoon (Image: GETTY)

8.17am update: Brexit negotiators admit “significant” problem over border issue

Government sources have warned Brexit talks have run into a "significant problem" over the issue of the Northern Ireland border.

EU negotiators are said to be demanding a "backstop to the backstop" to prevent a return of a "hard border" between the North and the Irish Republic.

Theresa May has proposed the backstop - which would effectively keep Northern Ireland in the single market while a permanent solution is found - should apply to the whole of the UK.

But the EU is insisting it should be backed up by the original Northern Ireland-only backstop which risks imposing a "border in the Irish Sea" - something Mrs May has said is unacceptable.

7.30am update: Wetherspoons launches free trade poster campaign

Pub operator JD Wetherspoon has launched a poster campaign calling on the Prime Minister to get rid of tariffs after the UK leaves the EU.

The poster is headlined “What don't you like about free trade, Mrs May?” and will be displayed in 880 Wetherspoon pubs across the country.

Wetherspoon founder and chairman Tim Martin, a vocal supporter of Brexit, said: "There will be a huge gain for business and consumers if the UK copies the free trade approach of countries like Singapore, Switzerland, New Zealand, Australia, Canada and Israel, by slashing protectionist EU import taxes on leaving the EU in March next year.

"It is not often that the government can enrich the electorate without losing tax income, however, this is a rare example.

"These invisible tariffs are charged on over 12,000 non-EU products, including rice, oranges, coffee, wine and children's clothes. The proceeds are collected by the UK taxman and sent to Brussels.

"Ending tariffs will reduce shop and pub prices, improve living standards and will help non-EU suppliers, currently discouraged by tariffs, quotas and the extensive paraphernalia of EU protectionism."

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