Daily horoscope for July 15: Your star sign reading, astrology and zodiac forecast

WHILE THE MOON continues its transit in Aquarius, challenging energy emitted from the Venus quincunx to Pluto might leave you grappling with darker tendencies. Here's today's horoscope.

By Katie Elliott, Senior Personal Finance Reporter based in London

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Jumping to conclusions might come a little easier today. The eccentric  Moon squaring stubborn Uranus in  could prompt increased impulsivity, which might lead to hasty moves and rapid mood swings. Paired with the Venus inconjunct Pluto, extra care should be taken while deciding your approach today. Express.co.uk reveals your , star sign reading, and  forecast for July 15.

Uranus will be transiting in Taurus until April 2026 and during this cycle - which began in May 2018 - typically Taurian matters are vastly influenced.

These include aspects such as money, beauty, sustainability, and values.

When squared with the Moon - especially one transiting in Aquarius - patience is more likely to dwindle and anything requiring commitment or focus will be put on the backburner.

Astrology King said: “You need extra stimulation and excitement and are likely to rebel against anyone who tries to tie you down or force you to do something.”

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July 15 daily horoscope

Daily horoscope for July 15: Your star sign reading, astrology and zodiac forecast (Image: GETTY)

Venus will form a quincunx to Pluto today, which means we might grapple with “power and control, insecurity, or jealousy issues”, according to Cafe Astrology.

It continued: “There can be re-assessments with close personal relationships, spending, entertainment, or social life matters.

“Fears can disrupt the flow, but they can help us see what may have been our personal blind spots.”

However, while the Moon transits in Aquarius, objectivity will take precedence and we’re more likely to look to “see all sides” on a matter.

Astrology explainer

The Venus quincunx to Pluto might leave you grappling with darker tendencies today (Image: EXPRESS)

Cafe Astrology said: “We can be more invested in our friendships, connections, and happiness goals.”

Although, the tone is due to turn slightly more stern as the day progresses when the Moon aligns with Saturn.

Cafe Astrology said it will bring “a serious, responsible, ambitious tone to later today”.

Situations that require us to keep a cool head work best under this influence since we’re not easily swept away by our feelings, thanks to the hard-headed Aquarius transit.

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Although, Tarot.com said: “When Luna touches solemn Saturn, these two planets may make things seem more intense than they truly are.”

So keep this in mind as and when any issues arise, as it’s likely they won’t be as bad as they might seem.

Tarot.com said: “The difference between what we really want and what we just can't stop obsessing over might be difficult to determine.

The Venus quincunx with Pluto at 11:51 pm will “blur the lines even more”, according to Tarot.com.

It continued: “Patience is key.”

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