Daily horoscope for June 14: Your star sign reading, astrology and zodiac forecast

THE MOON will move out of Sagittarius and into Capricorn today at 11.15pm after the Full Moon occurs. The transit will challenge your ability to communicate with "more sensitivity", but what else do the stars have lined up for you this June 14?

By Phoebe Cornish, Senior Lifestyle Reporter

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The will have a profound impact on the signs today as a new alignment takes effect. A contrast between the Gemini Sun and Sagitarrius Moon will be felt by all signs, persuading us to think broadly while considering the smaller facts and details. Express.co.uk reveals your horoscope, reading, and forecast for today.

What does the Sagittarius Full Moon mean?

The Full Moon occurs in the sign of Sagittarius before moving into ambitious Capricorn later today.

Known as an independent risk-taker, the influence of Sagittarius will encourage you to seek answers and meaning in your life.

Cafe Astrology said: “Sagittarius symbolises the quest for meaning and ideas that expand upon the “here and now.”

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Horoscope banner June 14

Daily horoscope for June 14: Your star sign reading, astrology and zodiac forecast (Image: THE EXPRESS)


Daily horoscope for June 14: Your star sign reading, astrology and zodiac forecast (Image: THE EXPRESS)

Romance, fertilisation, and relationships are the main themes of the day as the lunar cycle reaches full circle.

Take this time to reflect on these aspects and don’t be afraid to explore new avenues.

Our communication, attitude and a sense of adventure will be challenged during the full Moon, so it is a good time to take a step back and think before acting on impulse.

At this time of culmination, when the Sagittarius Moon persuades us to “intuit and think more broadly”, it is important to embrace endings as well as new beginnings.


Daily horoscope for June 14: Your star sign reading, astrology and zodiac forecast (Image: THE EXPRESS)

As the moon forms a square to Neptune, it can be easy to feel led astray from achieving our goals.

Focus on the long-term result rather than the immediate process, as giving into revelations now could encourage a detour from what we know we want.

Staying wise to “misinformation” today will help us stay on track according to Cafe Astrology.

While there will be plenty to consider and debate today, Saturn will help to make us feel more grounded.


Daily horoscope for June 14: Your star sign reading, astrology and zodiac forecast (Image: THE EXPRESS)

The Gemini Sun

While the main focus is on the Moon’s transit between the signs, the Gemini Sun should not be overlooked.

This alignment will encourage you to pay close attention to the facts and logic, offering a new outlook on scenarios put before us.

Cafe Astrology warned to pay attention to the effects of both Sagittarius and Gemini today, as “neglecting” either could end badly.

The site said: “Gemini is comfortable in its immediate environment or neighbourhood, while Sagittarius stimulates us to venture beyond it.

“Neglecting either end of the axis will backfire – we’re best off seeking a balance.”

What will happen after the Full Moon?

A focus on what has been lacking or missing in our lives will be hard to ignore today, but it will resolve once the new lunar cycle begins.

We may be particularly stuck on absences related to learning, adventure, spirited living, communicating, sharing, and commuting, but the mood will soon shift to looking forward and making improvements in our lives.

It’s time to express ourselves and to let things out of our systems, even if we know it may be unrefined, and not particularly rational as yet.

There is time to resolve any fallout from this in time for the Last Quarter Moon on June 20.

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