Back to work: The 10 jobs most at risk of catching coronavirus - Is yours one of them?

PRIME MINISTER Boris Johnson has announced people will no longer being advised to work from home from August, but which jobs are the most at risk of coronavirus?

By Georgina Laud, Engagement Editor

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Addressing the UK last week, Boris Johnson announced further relaxation of lockdown rules, in a bid to restart the economy after months of stasis. As part of this, Mr Johnson revealed the Government's advice on working from home where you can will end.

From August 1, people will no longer be urged to work from home remotely, and instead the Government is calling on employers to facilitate a return to work.

Employers must adhere to Covid-secure measures in offices, like social distancing, one way systems and hand sanitiser stations to name a few.

Speaking from Downing Street Mr Johnson said: "Instead of Government telling people to work from home, we're going to give employers more discretion and ask them to discuss how their staff can work safely.

"That could mean of course continuing to work from home, which is one way of working safely and which has worked for many employers and employees.

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Back to work: Coronavirus jobs

Back to work: Which jobs are most at risk of infection? (Image: GETTY)

Back to work: Boris Johnson in commons

Back to work: Boris Johnson has called on employers to get the nation to work (Image: GETTY)

"Or it could mean making workplaces safe by following Covid-secure guidelines.

"Whatever employers decide, they should consult closely with their employees and only ask people to return to their place of work if it is safe.

"As we reopen our society and our economy, it's right that we give employers more discretion while continuing to ensure that employees are kept safe."

However, some are sceptical to return to the office, with the need to travel on public transport, use public areas and be in close proximity to colleagues.

Back to work: Vet with dog

Back to work: Vets are also at risk according to the study (Image: GETTY)

Now, a study by Lenstore has revealed how exposed to coronavirus you might be, depending on your job.

Unsurprisingly, jobs which are public facing and those in the medical profession are the most at risk.

Job roles such as dentistry, GPs, flight attendants and physical therapists are on the list as the most at risk from being exposed to coronavirus.

Vets, firefighters and physical therapists are also on the most at risk list.

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The 10 jobs most at risk of infection


Critical Care Nurses

General Practitioners

Emergency Medical Technicians and Paramedics




Flight Attendants

Physical Therapists


Back to work: Flight attendant wearing mask

Back to work: Flight attendants are one of those at risk (Image: GETTY)

However, in all of these professions personal protective equipment (PPE) is being utilised to protect workers.

On the other side of the scale, there are jobs which lower the risk of exposure to the virus significantly.

Roles which tend not to involve face to face interaction and can be undertaken remotely are on this list.

These are roles like accountants, lawyers, architects and zoologists.

The 10 jobs least at risk of infection


IT Managers

Web Developers



Marketing Managers



Power Plant Operators

Zoologists and Wild Biologists

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