Boris Johnson horoscope: What Boris' zodiac chart means for Tory leadership hopeful

BORIS JOHNSON is one of 10 MPs running in the Conservative leadership race, but what does his zodiac chart mean for the would-be Prime Minister?

By Georgina Laud, Engagement Editor

Boris Johnson horoscope

Boris Johnson horoscope: Boris is in the running to be Conservative leader (Image: GETTY)

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Boris Johnson is the frontrunner in the race to be Conservative leader, following Theresa May’s resignation. There are 10 candidates in the running, and soon MPs will take to ballots to whittle these down to two. A postal ballot of general members of the Tory party will then choose the winner, which will be announced on July 22. 

Today Mr Johnson launched his campaign, but what does his star sign mean for the would-be Prime Minister?

The former foreign secretary was born on June 19, 1964, at 2pm - and using this information astrological charts can be constructed.

According to, Mr Johnson is a Gemini, and the diurnal South-western quadrant, consisting of the 7th, 8th and 9th houses, prevails in his chart.

The main qualities of a Gemini according to are duality, quick-witted humour and synergistic communication.

Read More: Tory leadership: Boris Johnson warns ‘Marxist Corbyn is threat to UK’

Boris Johnson horoscope

Boris Johnson horoscope: Today Boris launched his Tory leadership campaign (Image: PA)
Geminis often have strong opinions and personalities and they often need to be the centre of attention.

Astrology site says Mr Johnson’s astrological chart shows a thirst for communication and sometimes a need to take risks in dealings with others. 

This could work to his benefit, as risks may need to be taken in progressing with a Brexit deal with Brussels.

According to his astrological chart, what matters to Mr Johnson is the movement and the energy that link him to others and that make him gain more awareness.

Boris Johnson horoscope

Boris Johnson horoscope: Boris is a Gemini (Image: GETTY) also says a kind of rebellion or a desire to get away from it all is rooted in him.
The negotiations with the European Union are time sensitive and so the desire to rebel could impair Mr Johnson's strategy going forward. 

The predominance of Air signs in Boris’ chart favours and amplifies his taste for relations and for all kinds of short trips, whether real (travels) or symbolic (new ideas, mind speculations). 

New ideas could be what breaks the UK out of the deadlock when it comes to the Brexit withdrawal deal, so this may work to the former London mayor’s advantage.

Boris Johnson horoscope

Boris Johnson horoscope: Boris is the current front runner to be the next Tory leader (Image: GETTY)

Boris Johnson horoscope

Boris Johnson horoscope: According to Boris' astrological chart, indifference could work against him (Image: GETTY)
He gains in flexibility and adaptability what he loses in self-assertion or in pragmatism.

The predominance of Water signs indicates high sensitivity and elevation through feelings. 

His heart and emotions are his driving forces, however, the lack of Fire qualities in his sign means he could lack warmth, enthusiasm, conquering spirit, or energy. 

He may appear indifferent to others, with almost no desire, no joy of life or no enterprising ability. 

This could work against Mr Johnson as he campaigns to his fellow Conservative Party members, who will vote for who becomes the next leader.

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