Motorists are only just learning about a 'genius' petrol station warning light

A simple car dashboard warning light available in almost all petrol and diesel cars could make a massive difference to road users.

By Luke Chillingsworth, Cars Reporter

car dashboard

A car dashboard warning light could save drivers time (Image: Getty)

Motorists have been left baffled after discovering a new “genius” dashboard warning light designed to help road users avoid embarrassment when topping up.

When vehicles are running low on fuel, a simple petrol station light will appear on the dashboard with an arrow pointing either left or right. 

This symbol isn’t just there for show with the arrow playing a vital role in informing motorists where to fill up their petrol and diesel cars.

The arrow pointing left means the cap is located on the left-hand side of the car, allowing road users to save vital minutes when filling up.

According to experts at consumer watchdog Which?, many road users are only just realising how important the common symbol can be.

petrol station

The tip could save drivers from embarrassment when filling-up (Image: Getty)

In a TikTok clip posted online, Which? suggested that drivers were “today years old when I learnt what this car dashboard symbol meant".

A spokesperson for Which? explained: “The man who came up with this symbol is a complete and utter genius.

“Just a really simple tip for someone driving a new and different car. This arrow by the fuel pump on the dashboard indicates what side of the car the fuel cap is on

“That means no more driving around the petrol station looking like an idiot. The crazy thing about this simple design is it took until 1986 before someone thought of it.

“That was Jim Moylan over at Ford. An engineer, who got drenched trying to find the fuel cap in the rain.

“And contrary to popular internet belief, the side that nozzle is on has nothing to do with the side of the fuel cap. In fact, it’s almost always pictured on the right.”

However, Which? confirmed that not every vehicle in the UK has the fuel arrow installed in a major blow.

They suggested that modern electric vehicles do not have an alternative for where the charger is located while many hybrid cars also lack similar technology.

Which? added: “And even today this arrow isn’t everywhere. Imagine if you spent a quarter of a million on this Ferrari and then you’re sat in the petrol station feeling like a rich idiot because you forgot where you left the fuel cap.

“Sort it out automakers and don’t forget the electric vehicles, they need their little arrows too.

“And that’s before we even talk about the plug-in hybrids. They have two fuel caps, one for fossil fuels and one for electricity.”

Many TikTok users quickly took to the comments to admit they were stunned by the advice while many confirmed they had already benefited from the common feature.

@timeconomou said: "A friend told me when I was driving a hire car. Before I used to look outside.”

@sarckyisme added: “Every time I check that symbol - I drive a lot of different vehicles- I thank the guy who came up with it.”

However, another user admitted: “I thought it meant what side of the pump to park on originally and kept getting it wrong. Ashamed to admit how many times I did it."

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