POLL: Should 60mph speed limit on rural roads be reduced?

The latest Government figures show almost five times as many people were killed on country roads compared to motorways.

By Natalie Crookham, Engagement Editor

Mike Parry fumes over speed limits on GB News

A record number of drivers have admitted to on rural roads with a 60mph limit, according to the new RAC Report on Motoring. The survey shows almost half of drivers (48 percent) exceed the limit. So do you think the speed limit on rural roads should be reduced? Vote in our poll.


60mph sign on rural roadside

(Image: Getty)

The latest figures released by the Department for Transport show that 514 people were killed in crashes on roads in non-built-up areas with a 60mph limit in Britain in 2021. This is a third (33 percent) of all fatalities on Britain's roads that year.

Such country roads had the most accidents out of all other road types and almost five times as many people are killed on rural roads than they are on motorways.

RAC road safety spokesman Simon Williams said: “The recent increase in the proportion of drivers admitting to speeding on 60mph rural roads is extremely worrying as more people lose their lives every year in collisions on these roads than on any other.”

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He continued: “We think the Government should address the issue of fatalities on 60mph rural roads by advising roads authorities to reduce limits on the most dangerous stretches to more appropriate levels. This is something half of drivers (48 percent) surveyed for the RAC Report on Motoring would like to see, with only a quarter (24 percent) disagreeing.”

AA Charitable Trust director Edmund King said: “Drivers have to be aware of the dangers on rural roads – slow moving vehicles, mud on the road, a higher likelihood of cyclists, horse riders and ramblers, sharp bends and blind corners – and adjust their speed accordingly.

“The varied nature of rural roads means it's very difficult to set one speed limit which is appropriate everywhere, but drivers should be aware that the speed limit is a limit, it is not a sign that 60mph is always a safe speed. Often it is not.”

So what do YOU think? Should 60mph speed limit on rural roads be reduced? Vote in our poll and leave your thoughts in the comment section below.

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