‘Inconsiderate’ pavement parking blasted as readers back UK-wide ban

A ban on pavement parking has been backed by the majority of Express.co.uk readers in a new poll.

By Natalie Crookham, Engagement Editor

Pavement parking: Blind man reveals the dangers

Pavement is banned in London but still legal across the rest of the UK despite the advising against the practice. Vehicles are permitted to park on the pavement ​as long as the vehicle is not causing an obstruction. A new poll of Express.co.uk readers has found widespread support in favour of a national ban despite holding reservations about the practicalities.

Scotland is looking to follow London in stopping pavement parking nationwide later this year, four years after agreeing to ban parking on pavements and dropped kerbs in 2019.

Following delays because of the pandemic, vehicles parked partially or wholly on the pavement will be issued with a £70 fixed penalty notice from December. Walking charity Living Streets criticised the timeframe and said that any further delays would be “unacceptable”. 

The Welsh Government has not enforced an outright ban on pavement parking but proposed changes to allow local authorities to act against offenders.

In November 2020 then-Transport Secretary launched a consultation to extend London’s pavement parking rules but no action has been taken since.

The Sight Loss Councils group has encouraged Britons to write to Transport Secretary Mark Harper to urge the Government to take action on a consultation into the matter launched two years ago.

A spokesperson said: “It has now been nearly two years since the government ran a public consultation to find out people’s views on pavement parking. However, the Government still has not stated what firm action they are going to take to tackle the issue.”

READ MORE: 'Nuisance' drivers blamed for pavement parking in Edinburgh

Pavement parking and parking ticket

A ban on pavement parking has been backed by the majority of Express.co.uk readers (Image: Getty)

In a poll that ran from 6pm on Thursday, January 5, to midday on Thursday, January 12, Express.co.uk asked readers: “Should pavement parking be banned across the UK?”

Overall, 4,530 readers cast their votes with the vast majority, 78 percent (3,522 people) answering “yes” in support of a ban. 

Whereas 22 percent (982 people) said “no” pavement parking should not be banned, and a further 26 people said they did not know either way.

In the comments left below the accompanying article, readers shared their thoughts on parking laws.

Many readers thought that pavement parking was inconsiderate and were in favour of a ban being introduced across the UK. Username Boroughbloke wrote: “Yes. Roads are for cars. Pavements are for people.”

Username Contax139 said: “The road is for access, not a car park. Any car parked on the road is an obstruction and should be towed.”

Username hjarta added: “Definitely it is very inconsiderate.”

Others recognised the disruption pavement parking caused to pedestrians, with username common sence said: “Definitely, to make it safe for wheelchairs, pushchairs and the elderly.”

Likewise, username Fred Hendon said: “Pavement parking impedes mums with prams, the visually impaired, the physically disabled. Some places permit pavement parking but the remaining space must be large enough to accommodate pedestrians.”


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Narrow street of terraced houses

Many readers were concerned about the practicalities on narrow roads (Image: Getty)

Parking ticket

Pavement parkers in Scotland will be issued with a £70 fixed penalty notice from December (Image: Getty)

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And username happyeaster said: “Parking should only be allowed where there is enough space for it to be done safely.”

Meanwhile, some readers thought that pavement parking would be challenging, like username jep, who said: “Marvellous idea but not in the slightest bit practical. Too many of our older houses were built before we all had two or three cars per household.”

Another, username crackers, said: “Not possible in some areas due to narrow roads.”

And username Islands added: “The real question is, where are people supposed to park if they cannot bump up on the pavement? Many roads are too narrow and if people don't bump up on the pavement to park, waste collection and emergency vehicles cannot get through!”

Top 10 places to appeal a parking fine infographic

Newcastle is the top place to appeal a parking fine in Britain (Image: EXPRESS.CO.UK)

Similarly, username DuncanWalker1 said: “Bring in this insane law and you will bring gridlock to huge parts of the UK where you will be unable to drive down streets that were never designed for the number of cars we now have on these roads. Ambulances and fire engines will all be unable to drive down many of our side roads everywhere in the UK.”

Dorset Fire & Rescue Service said last year: “Poor or inconsiderate parking, even if only for a few minutes, can delay us during an emergency call and, in the case of a rapidly developing fire, every second counts.”

However, other readers did not see pavement parking as an issue, with username bobpage writing: “No need, we already have laws about causing obstructions, just need the authorities to actually enforce them. A blanket ban on pavement parking is a blunt instrument that will cause chaos on our nation’s streets.”

While username Britishman said: “As long as the car is not completely on and blocking the pavement I don't see why there is an issue.”

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